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Twitter: @ LoveYouGoodbyex

des·per·a·tion:(nouna state of despair, typically one that results in rash or extreme behavior.


c a m i l a

A strong force pushed my shoulder as my eyes opened from a heavy sleep to a dark figure, someone I couldn't see because of the complete darkness in the room. 

Wait this wasn't a dream? Is this really happening? I frantically screamed, well I almost did when a large hand covered my mouth. 

"Come on, sunshine." A deep accented voice spoke. Whose voice was that? I couldn't tell if it's Zayn or Harry or what if it's another guy that happens to be involved? My head throbbed from the sudden movement of the man pulling me off the bed in a quick motion. 

My immediate instinct was to fight, hit, punch, kick. And since it's dark here, I have more of an advantage.

I swung my elbow back into the fit body behind me that was covering my mouth. A few curse words spilled out of their mouth, followed by a grunt, only fueling me as I tried to turn from his grip, but no luck. The man, whoever he is, held me tight so I couldn't turn my head in their direction.

"Stop it dammit!" He whisper-shouted in my ear and I felt my tears falling down my cheeks, probably landing on his dirty hand that's covering my mouth. "I'm trying to help you."

How the is this considered helping?

He pulled me as he punched in the buttons to the code of the door, making a beeping noise every time he hit a button. He used his body to shield the buttons from view.

The door opened and he dragged me through a cabin it seems, until they reached the front door and the stranger opened the door quietly and the cool winds kissed my skin, leaving goosebumps along the exposed skin.

Wait why is this man acting so sneaky? Why make little noise? Why did he cover my mouth? What's going on?

I was pushed into the passenger side of a black larger looking car, actually everything at the moment looks pretty dark because of the dark night skies, so my description is pretty much useless.

He slammed the door closed and ran around the front of the car to the drivers side. My frantic mind started ticking when my hand reached for the handle and pulled it, my eyes widen at the sight. I didn't actually think it'd be unlocked! 

I jumped out of the car to hear a loud voice shout behind me, "Are you fυcking kidding me!" I flinched at his loud words and my legs started running in a random direction, dry leaves crunching beneath my feet.

Leaves crunching behind me, my muscles strained to move further away from him.

Where now! Where now! 

I turned around and see the person holding something that caught the light of the moon above. A gun.

My desperate lungs inhaled and exhaled in terrified screams, even though there is probably no one around, I looked over to one side, seeing a dark lake reflecting the moons rays. The other side is pure darkness. 

And straight ahead is full of trees. And with my luck, I'd crash into one.

"Desperate situations result in stupid regrets, baby." I heard the raspy voice say clearly, which means he's close. Fuck.

He is right though. Maybe I should have waited before trying to run away..

A strong arm snakes around my waist and slammed my small body against a tree, pretty hard since I felt my entire body throbbing, adding to the fact that I ran who knows how far.

Their body was pressed firmly against mine and the forest in filled with silence, other than their loud panting. Tears fell down my cheeks, for the millionth time.

"You are making this difficult." They said out of breath. The moonlight shines on their face, showing the shadows of their face, and their swept back curls. It's Harry.

"Well I'm not gonna make this easy! Let me go please! I won't tell anyone!" I pleas, only to have Harry cover my mouth.

After walking my sore muscles across the miles of leaves, they reached his car again. 

Harry pushed me into the passenger seat and digged in his pocket. I watched his tense actions as he pulled handcuffs out and handcuffed me to the bar on the passenger door. I winced at the feeling of the right metal around my wrists as he slammed the door shut.

He got in the driver's side and shutted his door. He turned on the ignition with his hand, the other hand, lifted his silver gun and pointed it to me.

"We aren't going to have anymore problems." He demanded as they pulled onto the freeway. 

"Shoot me, do it!" I surprised myself by saying.

The car lights in front of them shined onto his features. His cold, blank expression. 

"Why didn't you just shoot me when I ran! I don't care, do it! You're gonna do it anyways so might as well now!" I shouted in the car and he snapped his neck from the road and stares into my eyes in anger. 

I rather him kill me now, then torture me and mess up my state of mind. A loud sob parted my chapped lips as I remembered Dylan and my mother, the only people I'd actually miss. I had friends, but they honestly wouldn't care if I was gone.

I wiped the tears that continued to drown me, probably smearing my mascara even more, but that was the least of my worries.

"Shut the hell up! God damn you Camila!" He flared his nostrils and I looked at the veins ready to burst out of his neck. "You're lucky I don't blow your brains out right here you putrid bitch!" He yelled and my sobs got louder.

"Go to hell." I cried and buried my face into my hands.

"I have, and I took an angel with me." 


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