⍟ Chapter 1 ⍟

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⍟ Chapter 1 ⍟

"Your turn!" The twins shouted giddily in unison.

I rolled my eyes making Anne nudge me and so I slowly reached for the empty beer bottle courtesy of Blaine, and spun it as hard as I could. Now we weren't playing spin the bottle or anything, the girl to guy ratio was way off; there were only two guys in our group. We spun the bottle only to determine who asked 'truth or dare' since Elliot hated the original fair rules.

The bottle landed on Paisley, one of the twins, the other being Hazel. The girl nearly had no boundaries, so of course I was scared! No way in hell would I pick dare, the last person she dared had to make out with a random stranger and then got mono. The freckled twin raised her eyebrow suggestively, "truth or dare?"

Everyone then started chanting, "Dare," and I was terrible under pressure.

"Dare," I squeaked throwing all rationality the window.

"Poor dear," Anne snickered and patted my back, way to be supportive, best friend.

"Alright," Paisley said smugly, "you have to go up to Charles and straight up ask him if he likes you by the end of the month." Hazel raised her eyebrows in interest and then smirked clearly enjoying this.

Charles was a petty crush of mine and it was rather pathetic since the only time we ever talked was in class, the conversations usually consisting of, "What was the homework?" or, "what time's the football game?" All of my friends of course knew who I liked; I had tried my best to hide it, a useless attempt, we were all so close nothing ever slipped passed them. And so this dare seems worse than getting mono! There was no way he liked me, this is so humiliating, I guess procrastination shall be my friend this month.

"Fine!" I pouted and tossed her the bottle.

She pushed her wavy brown hair behind her ear and set the bottle back down on the ground. After cracking her fingers as if she was going to get in a fight, she twisted her wrist and sent the bottle spinning for about a minute, making everyone silently laugh.

When the bottle finally stopped, it settled on Elliot, "Oh yea baby," he said then winked one of his bright blue eyes.

"You perv," Paisley mumbled then leaned back on her arms.

"Truth or dare?"

"Oh, dare, why even ask?" she laughed.

Elliot thought and then consulted his best friend, Blaine, for an idea. After what seemed like a lot of mumbled jibberish they laughed and gave each other a weird high five. "I dare you to call Jason and tell him you miss him, right now."

Paisley immediately stopped laughing and narrowed her eyes, Anne and I busted out laughing earning ourselves a terribly ugly scowl from the twin. Hazel muffled her laugh but it was still pretty evident.

Jason was Paisley's ex-boyfriend who was a little on the creepy side. He had given her a promise ring that he slipped in her apple juice, when they were fourteen. After she let him down easy stating that he was taking this too seriously and was frankly being an all-around creep, he stalked her for a month making sure no other guy tried to get closer. Soon he got over it, but one day; he walked up to Paisley and said that she should call him when she wanted to get back together as if nothing had ever happened. Of course she never did, and now it was 2 years later.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her red cell phone in a quick motion and punched in a number. "Oh, memorized his number now did we?" Anne teased and Blaine wolf whistled.

"Go to hell," Paisley grumbled as she pressed the speaker button.

On the first ring Jason answered, making everyone chuckle in the background. "Pais? Oh my god, is this real?"

And that's when Hazel couldn't hold it in any longer, she started cracking up and the others soon followed suit.

Paisley, rolling her eyes, ignored them, "Hey, Jason, yea, this is real," she said between gritted teeth, "I just wanted to say that I miss you oh so dearly."

It sounded so forced as if someone was holding a gun to her head and making her read off a script, but Jason hadn't picked up on it, "I miss you too my cupcake, I'm sorry for stalking you, I should have told you I was watching you," he said genuinely, "we should meet somewhere, let's go to the park together, you and I my darling."

"Hey babe, who're you talking to?" Elliot suddenly said in the background in a voice twice as deep as his normal voice. Making Paisley's eyes widen in horror; I had to cover my mouth to stop the sound from escaping, this was just too good.

"Who is that Paisley?" Jason asked tentatively.

"Oh um just someone, gottagobye," she quickly rushed the last words, hung up, then leaped for Elliot's throat. She began to shake and strangle him; Hazel quickly ran over and grabbed her twin's arm successfully pulling her off the boy.

But at that point he probably couldn't have cared less that he was almost killed, he was laughing so hysterically with his best friend on the ground clutching at his stomach from the laughter.


After everyone got in their cars and went home after a few more rounds of truth or dare, I was left all alone in my house. My parents were out on vacation and unfortunately I was an only child, so I crawled myself to my room and lay on the floor.

Staring at the ceiling and counting the shapes I saw in it, I soon drifted off to sleep, only to be awoken what seemed like 5 minutes later by my alarm clock.

"Crap," I said drowsily.

Hell. School was hell.

I helped myself up off the ground and dragged myself to the bathroom in my room. I quickly took a shower and got ready and dressed for school. Charles was in my first and second period so I had to dress to impress every day, pathetic I know, but we've already been over this.

I hopped down the steps to the kitchen and grabbed a s'mores flavored granola bar, took my keys, and slipped into my baby blue 1970's Volkswagen beetle, the main love in my life.

Once at school, I immediately spotted Blaine's old red mustang and pulled up beside it. Wherever Blaine was, Anne and the twins were sure to be too. I closed the car door and skipped my way into school, for whatever reason I was really happy today, maybe I should sleep on the floor more often. Just like I expected, all four of them were huddled around Hazel's locker talking about whatever topic seemed to be worthy. I skipped over to them and threw my arms around the twin's shoulders, "Good morning my peasants!" I greeted.

Paisley patted my dangling hand and smiled while the others just gave me a look of expectance. I backed my head up a little, "What?"

"Charles is just around the corner," Hazel responded and jabbed her finger in the direction my crush supposedly was, "and I believe you have something to ask him."

"Pft, procrastination and denial are on my side this month you guys," I assured them.

"If you don't by next week I'll ask for you, and no one wants that," Blaine threatened.

"That's so elementary," Paisley added yawning.

"I'll walk you to him," Anne smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "You guys suck butt, you know that right?" I sighed, "I'll do it tomorrow, okay?"

"You promise?" she poked me incredulously.

I inhaled and thought, "Yea," exhaled, "I promise."

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