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He always had double meaning in his words.

It was something in his tone. Whether it had a secret seductive hint in it, or the tone that made you feel like you just failed the world, all in just a couple word sentence.

And there was a double meaning when he said that he was planning on keeping her to himself, she just had never heard that before. The tone he used and the stare he held as he playfully took her bite of ice cream felt different.

They decided to head back with a little extra time before the boys would arrive and they would have to start prep for the day.
Earlier, the busses had been bare but now it was tight on space. They had to stand.

Chanyeol stood on the opposite side of the metal pole, a sliver of a barrier between them but she used it as her guard. A guard to hide herself from observing him. His gaze out the window, watching the scenery move passed them. Her eyes fell to their hands gripped around the pole, hers above his, her pinky lightly touching the side of his hand as they held themselves still.

Their hands symbolized how she had begun to feel, just minutes after his comment. The lightest touch, almost just a brush yet she had never felt so vulnerable towards someone. Her mind was whirling, overthinking and Chaeyoung didn't like it. She used to just live her days, take what was gifted and never trip on her thoughts, not even thinking twice about anything really.

Then he just, showed up. Sparking her life like  he wasn't going to burn through it like a wildfire.

Chanyeol made her feel undeniably sexy, more than she had ever felt. He made her heart skip and her core ache. He made her question what on earth her heart was doing feeling the way it was in such a relationship. It was clear it wasn't just sex, or at least it wasn't anymore. Just sex didn't feel like this. Just sex didn't make her want to slide between the bus pole and him and nuzzle into his chest like freshly, cleaned sheets.

There situation wasn't much different than how she had relationship before and yet, everything was different. Every bit of her felt that, even if she didn't want to admit it out loud yet. But his words had to be just words. His stares, just stares and his touches... just touches. Allowing herself to actually feel this meant admitting to how vulnerable she felt and Chaeyoung wasn't ready for that.

Chaeyoung couldn't even began to think about what could possibly in his head about them and what they were. What he thought about her. Even if her curiosity was eating away at her remaining thoughts.

The bus bounced, jolting her to the side with the momentum. His hand quickly cupped her elbow, stabilizing her before she could bump into the passengers below them. She could feel his eyes tick over her.

"You're being quiet."

She racked a hand into her hair, "I'm fine." Her tone was calm and seemingly unaffected by the man peering down on her.

"I didn't say you weren't.' Chanyeol chuckled in reply, "Which gives me more reason to believe there's something more to your 'I'm fine'." His tone mocking hers at the end.

Chaeyoung straightened her posture, humming in disagreement. She couldn't hold his playful eye contact anymore, settling her own on the trees they passed.

"A hum? That's all I'm getting?"

"I'm tired, some asshole woke me up this morning and dragged me into the sun." She huffed, keeping her eyes outside. She hated how she was acting. It wasn't his fault she was overthinking. Or it was. It was and it wasn't.

Chanyeol audibly sighed before grabbing at her waist, pulling her between him and the bar like she had wanted not even minutes ago. Chaeyoung cleared her throat, not realizing she had missed his warmth despite being absolutely drained from the sun.

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