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Six Feet Apart
Alec Benjamin

"I drown in my own thoughts of you
And can't bring myself up for air"

How cruel of life to bring that one part that hurt the most. Ana laid on her bed, eyes fixated on the window. Single salted tears rolled down her cheeks in a constant manner, getting the surface of the sheets wet.

She didn't want to sniffle because she didn't want to attract the attention of the boy, now a grown man, who was sitting on her desk chair beside her. She was turned away from him, but she could feel his gaze burning holes on the back of her head.

Neither of them have talked in the last half an hour or so. He did call out to her once, but she couldn't bring herself to look at his beautiful eyes she once loved.

Her hands were shaking without her permission. Why did this have to happen?

She heard the sound of small, tentative footsteps coming closer to her and she immediately tensed. She knew who those footsteps belonged to and she wanted to get away.

She felt him kneel beside her. His hand hesitantly started stroking one of her curls, wrapping it around his fingers whenever he felt like it. Anavaeh couldn't believe he was doing this. Has he not tortured me enough?

Her lips remained set on a thin line, tears still flowing. She was starting to get a headache.

"Annie" he whispered on her ear. She stilled, eyes shutting closed. No. Not now. No more.

There was a short silence before he called out to her again, a silent plead for her to turn to him.

"Ana". This time, she attempted to just fall asleep and wait for him to leave. Waiting for this nightmare to end.

"Anavaeh, please. I know you're not sleeping. Please, look at me". His voice held so much longing and desperation.

She couldn't do it anymore. She wanted him to leave, but she didn't want him to see how hurt and affected she really is.

Ana slowly turned around, but was completely caught off guard when her face was mere inches away from his. She quietly gasped while his breathing hitched a little.

She froze, not knowing what to do. His eyes were so green and beautiful. His lashes were also something she would envy. His skin looked so soft and had no trace of pimples. He never did have to worry for that...unlike poor Ana who'd struggled with it.

She saw how his eyes moved around her face as if he was trying to make sure he'd remember every single feature. His breathing quickened when their eyes met.

"Annie", he whispered out. His eyes filled with so much emotion.
"Anavaeh, my love, where have you been hiding from me?"

Her eyes filled with tears again and she quickly leaned backwards and away from him.

"Anavaeh, don't cry, please" his voice cracked as he came closer to her and tried to grasp her hand, but she pulled away.

"Talk to me, don't shed your tears. Please, it hurts me" he begged one more time. A sudden urge to to glare at the man who stood before her came upon Anavaeh. How dare he beg her to stop crying? Could he not understand the pain he'd made her go through? The pain she was in? He'd taken away from her so much. The least he could do is let her weep in peace.

She stilled when his knuckles came to caress her wet cheeks before his thumb wiped away the falling tear. "My Annie is back" he muttered. His eyes still held that miserable look she saw in them when her eyes first landed on him.

"I'm not yours" she snapped quietly, but fiercely. She didn't like the fact that whenever he called her his, a painful stab to the heart would occur.

She mastered up the courage to speak once again, her voice still a hushed whisper but not wavering and cracking like her emotions were. "I stopped being yours the moment you started being hers"

That one sentence cut through Orion's heart deeply. He wanted to deny it. He wanted to say that what she saw wasn't what happened. He wanted to assure her that him and the girl who used to be his friend never kissed in his room that cold afternoon. He wanted to, but he couldn't. He couldn't lie to her.

"Annie, p-please don't say that" his voice came in a breathless whisper. Both of them had so much emotion going on at that moment that they couldn't even give a simple effort to voice their words in a normal tone.

Anavaeh has enough. She immi sat up, startling Orion and making him fall from his knees and onto his bottom. Ana didn't pay much attention before going up to the door and twisting the doorknob to open it.

Orion was quick to his feet and pulled her wrist a little, tugging her away from the door and towards him. He had her in his arms only for a millisecond because she roughly pulled away and glared at him. He was stunned. His Ann- Anavaeh had never given him such a fierce look before.

He was also stunned with the amount of longing he felt after having her small body against his for the shortest time ever, but yet he had her in his arms.

They both stood there, him looking at her, urging her to show him those beautiful eyes again, but she just stared blankly at the floor before not so subtly nodding to the door.

"I want you to leave" she muttered. She was tired of feeling hurt, angry and betrayed. She was even tired of feeling empty, numb. "Can you please leave my room?" She asked once again after a few seconds passed and Orion still stood there, conflicted.

"Anavaeh, please just-" he didn't finish what he was saying. What was he gonna say, anyways? To just let him explain? To just let him stay and hold her and make it better? He couldn't do that to her. He had already done too much so taking a deep breath, his eyes not wavering from her, he turned to the door and left.

Anavaeh closed the door quietly before throwing herself on the bed, not caring how she face planted against the mattress. After she calmed herself a little and stopped her hands from shaking, she made her way to the desk and started writing on her beloved diary.

Dear Orion,

You were there. You are here. How could this have happened? I left because I had to, but you... you chose her and now you're back?
You still called me "your Annie". Is that supposed to mean something? What are you trying to do to me? Can't you see I'm not your Annie anymore? That Annie died a long time ago.
I must say tho, it reminded me of the first time you called me that.
We were in our favorite diner's parking lot late at night because you were hungry after your soccer game. I was about to get into the car, but I noticed you still standing there next to me, looking at me as if you hadn't seen me in a long time. I offered you a small, shy smile and you chuckled and caressed my cheek with your thumb muttering the words "My Annie. My beautiful Annie" you're so close yet so far.

So.... thoughts? 💭

I honestly died out of sadness and cuteness at the same time :')

I hope you're all okay!

Please remember to vote 🗳


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