Chapter 3

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Marvin's POV

It was time for Gym, and I went into the boy's locker room, to change into my gym shorts. Then, I went into the gym, to do outdoor track. Luckily, it was a balmy 67 degrees, with a gentle breeze blowing. I ran around the track, about 5 times, give or take. I huffed rapidly, and slowed down, so I could catch my breath. "Come on, Marvin, you can do it!" said my class president, Donna Sanders.

"I'm just trying to catch my breath!" I huffed. Sweat formed on my face, due to the laps, and balmy weather, which was not common for late January. It felt more like April.

Gym was over, and I changed back into my normal clothes. It was now time for lunch. I proceeded to the cafeteria, and got in line. Chicken nuggets, fries, and mashed potatoes were on the menu. I got my tray, and my food, along with a carton of chocolate milk. I sat down, with Jodi. "Hey, buddy!" she said, cheerfully.

"Hey!" I said. "Oh, shoot, I meant to get some honey mustard, for my nuggets!"

"Hang on, I'll get you some!" said Jodi, getting up from her seat. She quickly got some packets of honey mustard for me. "Here ya go, buddy!"

"Thanks, Jodi!" I said.

"You sure you don't want any ketchup?" she asked.

"I'm sure."

"Okay," said Jodi, eating her nuggets, with ketchup. I was having a good lunch, until I heard a voice, I didn't want to hear.

"If it isn't Mr. Loser!" It was Angelina, with her tray of food. "Mind if I sit down with you guys?"

"Yes, we do mind!" snapped Jodi. "And for your information, Marvin is the coolest dude, I have ever met!"

"He's a total dork!" snorted Angelina. "Why are you hanging out with dorks like him?"

"Ahem!" It was Mr. Sanford, that was observing what Angelina was up to. "You were just about to sit down, and eat your lunch, right?"

"Yes, Sir," nodded Angelina.

"Go sit at another table, and leave Marvin alone. Unless, you want to eat your lunch in my office."

"I was just playing around!" said Angelina, rolling her eyes. "Whatever!" She left us alone, and sat at another table, to eat her lunch.

"Enjoy your lunch, guys!" said Mr. Sanford. "A principal's job is never done!"

"Mr. Sanford is without a doubt, the best principal of Willowbrook High!" said Jodi.

"You can say that again!" I chuckled, sipping my milk. "I doubt Angelina will graduate in June!"

"I second that!" nodded Jodi. "What are your plans after school?"

"Spending time with my grandmother," I replied, eating my fries.

"Sweet!" said Jodi, drinking her milk. "How old is she?"

"She's 89."

"God bless her!" beamed Jodi. "What year was she born?"

"1930 is her birth year," I said. "She's turning 90 in June."

"She's gonna live up to a ripe old age! Is she in good health?"

"Well, she has these coughing fits, due to being a heavy smoker. She said, she is trying to quit, cold turkey."

"It's hard to quit smoking. It's a dirty habit, I know."

"Yeah, it is."

The bell rang, and lunch was over. I went to Study Hall, and did my homework, instead of waiting to do it at home.

A/N Hey, guys! What did you think of the situation, regarding Angelina in the cafeteria? And do you think Marvin's grandmother's health may deteriorate? Don't be a silent reader. Please show some love, by voting, leaving feedback, and sharing this book! Thanks, guys! Love you all! 💚❤💚❤❤💚😘😘😘💚💚💚

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