Chapter 5

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Marvin's POV

Susan and I made it to 613 Wilson Blvd, where Olivia lives. "Come on, Susan, get out of the car," I said, unbuckling my seat belt. Susan got out of the car, and I did, and closed my car door. I walked up the front door of her house, and rang the doorbell. The sound of a dog barking could be heard inside. We waited for a few seconds. A blonde hair girl, with hazel eyes, opened the door. "What do you want?" she asked.

"Are you Olivia?" I demanded.

"Who wants to know?" she sneered.

"I do!"

"Okay, I'm Olivia, and what are you doing here with this guy, Susan?"

"I'm her brother, Marvin, and she told me that you called her a stupid dork, because she didn't know the capital of North Dakota!"

"She's an uneducated moron!" scoffed Olivia. "I can't believe, you have a moron of a sister!"

"Olivia, who are you speaking to?" asked her father.

"No one, Dad!" lied Olivia.

"Can I help you?" asked her father.

"I'm Marvin, and this is my sister, Susan," I explained. "The reason for our visit, is because, your daughter called Susan a stupid dork at school. Susan came home upset, and was about to cry."

"Is this true, Olivia?" demanded her father, his eyebrows furrowing down at her.

"Dad, listen, I was just joking!" said Olivia.

"Sounds like bullying to me!" barked her father. "I thought your mother and I made it perfectly clear, not to bully other kids at school!"

"I'm sorry, Dad!" said Olivia.

"Apologize to her, right this instant!"

"I'm sorry, Susan," said Olivia. I'm sorry for calling you a stupid dork. You're actually a smart girl."

"It's okay, Olivia, I forgive you," said Susan.

"Now, shake on it!" said her father.

Olivia shook hands with Susan, and all was forgiven. "Thank you, sir!" I said.

"Don't mention it," said her father. "You take care, now. "Olivia, clean your room, like I told you!"

"Okay, Dad, jeez!" said Olivia. Her father closed the door, as we got back into my car, and drove back home.

"Thank you, Marvin!" said Susan.

"Anytime, little sis!" I said. "Nobody messes with my family!"

Hey, guys! Sorry for the long hiatus, but I was struggling with writer's block! But, at least I decided to give this book another chance! So, what did you think of the situation? How did Marvin handle it? Let me know your thoughts! Please don't be a silent reader. Show some love by voting, leaving feedback, and sharing my book with everyone! Thank, guys! Love you all! 😘😘😘❤😘😘💛💛😘😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘❤😘❤❤😘❤😘💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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