Miss Fairy Tail Contest

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Time skip ~~ brought to you by… Izaya's Switchblade (Durarara reference) 

3rd person POV

    (Y/N) picked up Krystal from Lucy's apartment and headed to a small cafe for breakfast. Krystal ordered a French fruit tart with ceylon tea. (Y/N) ordered a (favorite breakfast food and drink). They were carrying out a conversation when Krystal noticed the pendant around (Y/N)'s neck.

"Hey (Y/N), where did you get that necklace?" Krystal asked. (Y/N) knew she was going to ask about it sooner or later. That's when she told the whole situation to Krystal about liking both of Ul's students. 

Krystal already knew she was in a love triangle, but she never would have guessed both of them making a move so quickly. Krystal thought Lyon and Gray are competing to see who ends up with her. While Krystal is happy that they care about (Y/N), but she is angry on how they're treating this like a game. The last thing Krystal wants is for (Y/N) to get hurt.

"I don't know what to do Krystal. I never had a boyfriend before. My heart skips a beat when they kissed me. I love how Lyon was so protective of me during our mission. And I love how Gray was so kind enough to give me this necklace. Do you think it's wrong to have feelings for both of them?" (Y/N) asked her. Krystal took a sip from her tea and placed it back down.

"It's normal to have these feelings of love. And it's not wrong to like two guys since you're single. It's only wrong if you're dating both guys at once. Cheating is despicable. I suggest you talk with them about it. I don't want things to get out of hand and someone getting hurt." Krystal explained to (Y/N). She nodded to her Exceed. She decided to talk to Gray when they get to the guild. Afterwards, she'll go to Lamia Scale and talk with Lyon.

Time skip ~~ brought to you by… Rave (Rave Master reference) 

After breakfast, (Y/N) and Krystal headed off to Fairy Tail. Everyone is excited because today is the Harvest Festival. People came up to (Y/N) and asked if she was participating in the Miss Fairy Tail Contest. At first, (Y/N) declined since she had more money than she needed. She didn't need the prize money of 500,000 jewels. But when she saw the children wanting to see her in the contest, (Y/N) couldn't refuse them. 

When (Y/N) and Krystal arrived at Fairy Tail, there was a large crowd for the Fairy Tail contest. As (Y/N) signed up, she saw how many people entered. Especially since Mirajane and Erza are competing. However, (Y/N) is entering since she promised her fans she would. She wanted to give them a good show. Krystal sat with Lily. Gajeel didn't mind since he liked Krystal. (Though, he just wish Lily didn't act so lovey dovey with her.) 

(Y/N) went backstage with the other contestants. Lucy panicked since she knew what a star (Y/N) became. (Y/N) assured Lucy she's only entering because her fans wanted to see her perform in the contest. She doesn't plan on winning which is a big relief to Lucy. There are quite a number of ladies who have a chance of winning. Erza and Wendy joined Lucy and (Y/N) backstage. (Y/N) wished all the girls good luck. The ladies were happy how (Y/N) is so sweet to them. Juvia saw the Gray's present around (Y/N)'s neck. It made her more determined to defeat her love rival.

Now the Miss Fairy Tail Contest awaits…

Time skip ~~ brought to you by… Rigby's awesomness (Regular Show reference)

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