Valentine's addition!

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Why not Bros?

Here's some I had in my notes that I saved up.

Leah: Josh
Josh: Oh! Leah, what's up?
Leah: what's a 'Valentine's?'
Josh: well, a valentine's is sort of like a gift for someone you like. Usually, people like to give chocolate.
Leah: hm...I think I got it.
The Next Day
DeathFire, has her mask down and drinking Energon:
Leah: DeathFire!
DeathFire, puts her drink down and puts back her mask on: ?
Leah: I got a Valentine for you.
DeathFire: ....*Beep....*
Jaylee: Leah you like DeathFire?!
Leah, hands the chocolates: of course I do? DeathFire and I are friends?
DeathFire: 'Oh thank god...'

*In a battle*

Zander: Where not going to make it!
Chase: you promised me that we'll cuddle when I make it back out alive!
Chase: *screams and attacks a decepticon*
Zander, blushing: WHAT?!

DeathFire: so when do you plan on moving out of my body?
Fire: never.
Death: when do you plan on coming out?
DeathFire: 'sighs' ok..
Death: see what I did there?
DeathFire: yeah!
Death: it's cause your Gay-
DeathFire: I GOT IT!

Jazz, seeing snow for the first time: THE FUCK?!
Jazz: the fuck is in the air?!
Jazz: the fuck!
Jazz, clinging onto Prowl: theirs white shit everywhere!

Ironhide, has Ratchets hat and won't give it back: haha!
Ratchet: common give it back!
Ironhide: first you gotta say my name!
Ratchet: alright big daddy! Now give it back!
Ironhide: name is Ironhide...

Bumblebee: I can't believe where locked inside of this room!
Knockout, who has the key to get out of the room: yeah I know right?

Arcce: story time!
Arcce, twords everyone: everyone in this room is entirely straight!
Arcce: April fools!
Knockout: APRIL FOOLS!

Knockout: Hey Bumblebee let's play chicken!
Bumblebee: ?
Knockout: we both have to kiss each other and whoever backs away first is the chicken.
Bumblebee, holding a sign: I never agreed to this!
Knockout: ready?
Bumblebee: *nods 'no'*
Knockout, about to kiss him:
Bumblebee, drops his sign:
Optimus, picks the sign up and smacks Knockout: DUDE!
Knockout, now on the ground: YOU CHICKEN! ;-;

Knockout, take 2#: do you want to have a bromance?
Bumblebee: *holding the sign again* isn't that kinda Gay?
Knockout: no it isn't anymore!
Bumblebee: I'm walking out the door!
Knockout, grabs him: please don't go aWaY!

Jazz: yo this coffie taste like balls!
Prowl: you know what balls taste like?
Jazz: no, but that's how I imagen they taste like
Prowl: I gotta go-

Bumblebee: you know that I love!
Optimus: love you too
Arcce: all the hot guys are either taken or Gay!
Cliffjumper: I AM RIGHT HERE!!!

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