Teenagers being...teens

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Sniper: hey dad, can you pick me up?

Crosshairs: what did you do this time?

Sniper: nothing? My teacher asked me a simple question and I gave a simple answer!

Crosshairs: what did she say? And what did you say? And your grounded

Sniper: she said I had 5 bottles in one hand and 6 bottles on the other hand, and asked what do I have?

Crosshairs: okay

Sniper: so I said simply, a drinking problem

Crosshairs: your un-grounded for learning my smart-ass talent!


Adiline: dad I got into a fight today, but I didn't start it

Ironhide: if you didn't start it, it's fine. You never throw the first punch.

Adiline: I know

Ironhide: you throw the second, third, fourth, fitith, six, seventh, eighth. Then when he is on the ground, you have the first, second, third, fourth kick!

Ironhide: then when the teachers comes you give the first excuse!

Adiline: dad...you good?


Eir: mom, I got suspended today

Drift: what in Primus sake!? Your grounded! What in the pits did you do?!

Eir: well I was in class and a anti-bullying came to vist us and come teach us, and while she was talking she said "sticks and Stones can never break my bones but words will never hurt me"

Drift: and?

Eir: I threw a book that humans call a 'dictionary' at her head..and said "what do you mean by words don't hurt you?"

Drift: sweetspark...you are officially un-grounded.


Colossus: dad! There's a weird blacky wingy thing on the outside of my room door, can you get rid of it? I think it's called a moth??

Col: pls hurry I'm going to cry soon...

Col: dad

Col: dad?

Ironhide: dad is dead, your next. Love moth

Ironhide: Oh, and I think you need a new door.


Crosshairs: son, your in big trouble

Sniper: WHY?!

Crosshairs: because your texting me while your in this shitty human school.

Sniper: are you serious sire?! You texted me first!

Crosshairs: then why did you respond?!

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