Taste of Ironic Fame

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2 months had passed since the famous sludge villain attack and the arise of 'All Fright'. Ever since the incident, Tenko had been getting all the attention at school. A mere second-year in UA, who had been held back 2 times for lack of quirk control now getting all the talk? It could be confirmed that quite a few were jealous of the unusual-looking hero-to-be.

It was a normal - somewhat - day after school, the teachers had already started talking about the new year that would be taking their entrance exams in 8 months, but Tenko was more worried about not being held back another year. He was already a 19-year-old in their second year of UA, he didn't wish to make that 20.
Every night for the past 2 months, ever since he insisted on wanting more control over his two quirks, Tenko had been working with his 'master' All Might, trying time discover new ways to control Decay and One For All through cleaning up the local beach.
"Young Shimura, I want you to follow what I say precisely! So far you cannot use your quirks separately nor control them." The hero pulled out a list from his tight green trousers, "But by following my amazing 'Super Shimura Power-Up In 10 Months Gym Plan' you won't even remember not being in control, hahaha!"

For the most part, Tenko struggled. He was meant to swap between quirks depending on the size of the object he wished to demolish. Decay for small objects, like small glass jars or bags of trash - One For All for moderate items such as fridges or washing machines, and both for large storage tanks and the like. The fact that he was not only helping himself but also restoring a public area was the only thing which kept him going. Through the lectures, school work, training, sleep deprivation; it was all worth it if he was helping the public and quirkless.

It was still a bit of a stretch controlling Decay, however he had started noticing the small flicker of lightning-like sparks around him when using One For All by itself.

"Can we... take a... b..break?" Tenko croaked, desperately unscrewing a bottle of water without his index finger. They had been training since midday, after the school's early dismissal, which they insisted was just a nice gesture. It was almost sundown, and he had lost track of time hours ago.
"One never sleeps on the job!" All Might laughed, hitting the boy hard on the back, causing him to spit all over his shirt, which he had removed earlier and folded next to his school bag on an old barrel.

"All Might!" Spluttered Tenko, turning on the spot to try and throw his plastic water bottle at his mentor's head, only to have it hit back at him, adding to the water that was already running down his neck and chest. His teacher gave another hearty laugh at the teenager. Tenko frowned, then joined in on the laughing. No matter how hard he tried to hate his mentor, he could never find it in him to be anything but happy around the hero veteran.

"Hmm, back to work, young Shimura!" Yagi grabbed the boy gently by the elbow, turning him and pointing to a large storage container near the edge of the low tide. Tenko sighed, then drank what was left of his water and dropped to a squat, building up the power in his right arm and heels. A dusty aura started to surround his hand as he clenched and unclenched his five fingers. He rolled his shoulders, loud cracking noises vibrating as if they were an echo in a cave.
"Resuscitation..." Tenko grumbled, ash exhaling from his mouth as he groaned and grumbled, his body rigid and creaking like an old armchair, rocking back and forth, "SMASH!"

In a crazy spurt of energy, Tenko teleported, seemingly, forward 40 metres down the beach, crazy black hair whipping in an unnatural wind, red eyes glowing like that of a blood-crazy murderer. The muscles in his right arm tensed, bulging out of proportion while the bones in his legs moaned, unhealthy from the power flowing through them. An overwhelming feeling of Deja Vous came over him, taking him back to the days when one jump at 10% power was enough for his bones to snap on contact...

A throat-ripping scream stung the school. It was Tentutori Middle School's annual quirk day, which all students had been looking forward to for months. The Mega Long Jump was in action, and a short, red-eyed boy wearing gloves and a tight ponytail had just took his turn. He had started at a squat, angry and persistent. He had refused to use his quirk on the 100m sprint, nor the egg and spoon race, and in each of them he had come last.
The 10-year-old rose from his position after a few seconds, eyes sharp and fingers twitching. On the whistle he stampeded forward, taking to the air a whole metre before the jump zone, first screaming in happiness, then the silence, then the scream. That demonic scream.

The tank ceased to exist within a second, one finger's touch was enough to bring the gigantic storage unit to the ground, leaving a floating, smoking, ashen feeling in the air.

"Young Shimura!" His mentor shouted from a distance. Tenko brushed himself off before sighing and preparing for a terrible dad joke.
"What do you want, old man?" He smirked, eyes glistening.
"That was," Smoke started to burn around the man, muscles almost appearing out of nowhere, "Plus U-Ultra!" He spluttered, half-whining, half-laughing, giving a thumbs up to his pupil.

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