Lost Soul

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Among the crowd he stood, watching, horrified. The slimey gore of a villain of whom had attacked him earlier had escaped and had hostages... Those hostages being none other than his close friend - if you could call him one - and one of the popular students from the very U.A. High; Tenko Shimura.

If only Tenko hadn't heroically ran into battle after Kacchan to try and rescue him... He'd be safe... This is my fault, I should've done something. Anything. Why should the public be left with the dirty work while I simply stand by? I'm no different to any of them yet I act like I'm more important by doing nothing!
I won't let this continue.
Kacchan, I'm coming!

His feet moved before his brain could think. The boy ran forward, ignoring the cries of agony from heroes caught in Tenko's deadly smashes and his friend's consistent Explosions, he lept from the crowd and stormed the ashen battlefield which was formerly at peace, and ran into battle...

I can't breathe. If I can't get my hands free soon I'm finished. Damn it, this sludge guy is too powerful, why does he have to go and pick on some youngster anyway? Ugh, these kind of people really piss me off. At least have a motive for bad actions! This is why I never liked villains...
Ah finally- All Might is here... it took him long en—-

It was all drowned out. Nothing was going in or out of Izuku's mind as he ran on instinct and pure adrenaline to the bully, hero and danger. The soles of his shoes had burnt away to almost nothing by the time his body got released from its sprint, and within seconds of scraping urgently for Kacchan's safety, tears were streaming down his face.
"Get out of here, Deku!"
"Kid, run for it, leave it to the pros!"

"It looked like you were asking for help," Izuku choked, his heart sore knowing he couldn't be the one to save his friend, "I couldn't just watch you-"

Or was it Purple?


"And you got the right one, didn't you, Kurogiri?"
"Yes, master, sir, indeed this is the boy who was trying to rescue the hostages..."
"Hmm," the calm voice hummed, almost amused, "and to think I even went out of my way and caught that villain for him. He is going to need a lot of work, Kurogiri. Don't let me down."
The former started desperately, "Of course not, master, I am here to serve you and only you, not doing as you ask would be going against everything I live for." His breath was heavy, it was clear he was afraid of his 'master', whoever it may have been.

"Well that's a pretty dumb thing to live for, Kimuhiri." Being awoken only moments earlier by the terrible breath of someone leaning over him, Deku couldn't resist his smart yet accurate remark. Though, all it got him was a foot in the head and an insult along the line of 'ungrateful green boy'.

"Please remain calm. This child knows nothing yet, not even my proper name. Give him a chance and I promise we can make a man out of him. A true man who could take down All Might once and for all." Kurogiri rested one of his ghastly hands on his master's shoulder and gently tugged him away from Izuku. "If Nana Shimura was allowed to have a successor in All Might, why can you not have a successor yourself? It only seems fitting." There was a slight sarcasm; a hint of persuasion hidden in his dangerously and oddly British accent.

"And once I have a successor I can take everything else she loved too, including that disgusting grandson of hers, Tenko, who seems to believe he's on Cloud 9 up in bloody heaven. Oh yes, Kurogiri, I applaud you deeply for planning ahead. I merely was going to use him for another Nomu but you seemed to have swayed my mind. Very well, warp me back, and take the boy back to the hideout with you. He can't know our true intentions until he's on our side, we mustn't take chances - I would hate to kill a boy with so much," he grinned, turned to Izuku and ruffled the back of his hair with his shoe, "potential for disaster."


"It looked like you were asking for help," The boy sobbed, ripping and clawing uncontrollably at the sludge villain. "I couldn't just watch you-"
A small, human sized purple mass appeared and vanished in a second, forming at one moment on the ground underneath the wannabe hero and with a blink it was gone, along with the boy, too.

Tenko's eyes glossed over quickly, he was never one to get upset over losing soldiers in a war, but to dissolve into nothing and be gone in a second... it reminded it him too much of his family and soon enough his neck was burning, yearning to be scratched.
On instinct, he started tugging violently, his arms and legs wriggling for some sense of freedom. 'It's like quicksand,' he thought; his body was being sucked further into the criminal's blubber as he moved.

"Deku!" Katsuki screamed, his body lashed out in all directions for some kind of leverage, some way to stand a chance of surviving. His scream had already ripped his throat raw and his oxygen was rapidly depleting, sludge quickly seeping into his body and taking control of every part of him. 'Not like this. Not like this. I still have to beat Deku in the entrance exam and make him look like the shitty bastard he is.'

"I won't die, I'll live, for Deku!" His right arm flung violently, grappling around the sludge mouth formed over his face. With his left arm he madly lashed out to the side, eventually finding his fellow hostage and angrily digging his fingernails into the wrist of the U.A. student. Pulling his left back to his body, Shimura's hand followed, fingers finishing one by one touching the oozing liquid flesh of the lowlife.
Within a few long seconds the muck surrounding his face had been turned to ash, the villain snapping angrily, "Mind your own business, Freak, stop struggling!".

The scene was like something out of a horror movie. Two children struggling to breathe, held hostage by a horrid monster of a human. Either end of the crime scene had two crowds formed. Half a dozen pro heroes were injured and other local heroes were miles away.

There was no noise. Everything was silent. No one dared move - you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Until..
"Hey, look, it's All Might!"
Out from the crowd emerged the Symbol of Peace, Number 1 Hero, All Might. The sight of him normally made low life heroes give up already, and by the sight of its expression, this villain wasn't any different. In his oily voice he started cowering already, trying to plead for the Symbol of Peace not to hurt him.

"No need to fear, my fellow citizens," The hero laughed, locking gazes with his target, "Because I am h-"...
A giant whirlwind of power exploded from behind the hero, gales of hundreds of miles per hour blasting through the small area, totally annihilating all signs, windows and anything insecure. The crowds toppled over eachother like dominos and pro heroes were forced against the house walls by the rush. The boasting #1 Hero was even brutally launched forwards by dozens of feet, his bones crunching and weakening with contact.

A black suit slowly and coolly approached the hero, not walking as much as dawdling, as if to show off.
"Now, now, Toshinori, don't go showing off on me. I wish to put on a show but don't want to embarrass you too much before you get what you deserve." The mysterious man said sarcastically in a false, friendly voice. He reached down to the ground, hand grappling on to the back of the white, torn shirt of the pro hero and hauling him to his feet as if the stacks of muscles of the symbol never existed. "After all, you have to help these people, don't you? What is it you say?" The man spoke as if talking to an old friend; kicking All Might in the back of his knees to force him to kneel upwards, facing the horrified teenagers caught in the mass of sludge still blocking the road. "Ah yes. I am here."
And with one movement, both the Symbol of Peace and Sludge Villain viciously pounded into the side of the town's buildings, and both hostages were lain down on the ground, neither conscious of what had just happened or was to come.

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