Valentine's Day Special! [Gender Neutral]

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What they would do for you on V-Day.


- Candy. A lot of it.
- Going to an arcade and winning a shit ton of tickets, then spending them all on a big teddy bear.
- Getting competitive at Ski-Ball.
- You beating the arcade's record and being declared king/queen of Ski-Ball.
- Going home and calming down from your sugar highs.
- Taking a good, long nap.
- Finishing off the day with a dinner he (and Spy) prepared.
"Didya have fun today? Yeah, me too.. I love you."


- Them buying you a pretty heart necklace.
- You buying them a unicorn plushie.
- Them almost crying because they love the plushie so much.
- Cheering them up with some sweets, then having a bit too much.
- Getting sick from all the sweets.
- Eventually feeling somewhat better and making a nice dinner.
- Finally passing out at 2 am.
"I regret having all those sweets. But I don't regret loving you!"


- Him letting everyone rest for today because he has to celebrate his love with you.
- All the mercs thanking you for hooking up with him.
- Baking America themed cookies and cupcakes for everyone!
- Lacing the treats with a bit of alcohol.
- Setting off America & Love themed fireworks into the sky.
- Soldier giving a pre-made speech to you and the mercs about your love.
- Shedding a tear or two because the speech was genuinely beautiful.
- Finishing off the day with a deep, passionate kiss.. and maybe something a bit more. ;)
"My love for you is like America's love for freedom!"


- Waking him up with breakfast in bed.
- Heavy being pleasantly surprised and eating with you happily.
- Staying in bed, watching TV until noon.
- Getting yo at noon and preparing Heavy's favorite lunch food. Not sandwiches, a Russian recipe.
- Finally finishing and playing the food, Heavy almost moaning from how good you did.
- Him rewarding you with big, warm cuddles and a lot of sweet kisses.
- The kisses soon turning into something more.. passionate. ;)
"Heavy never thought you could cook so well.. Heavy is having memories of babushka."


- Getting wasted first thing in the morning.
- Bad idea.
- You two holding off on the alcohol for a bit until noon.
- Having a small drink after a good lunch.
- Him surprising you with a big teddy bear with one of his eyepatches on it.
- His Eyelander sword teasingly singing the sax solo to Careless Whisper.
- The two of you blushing furiously and shutting the sword up with.. something we don't speak of.
- Getting drunk again, then sobbing into each other's arms about how much you love each other.
- Passing out after some sloppy smooches.
"Aye luv yeh.. yah the only one who can really.. *sniffle* undERSTAHAHAHAND MEEEHEHEHEHEEEEE.." 


- Waking up to the gentle strumming of a guitar.
- Seeing Engie sitting next to the bed, softly singing your favorite love song to you.
- Giving him a lot of sleepy kisses after the song, then going to the kitchen to reward him with pancakes, bacon, and eggs jus the way he likes it.
- Going out after breakfast and heading to a festival.
- You being hit on at the festival and Engie being possessive but cute.
- Him getting you a plushie of your favorite movie/show/etc.
- You holding it close to you as you walk around the festival.
- Kissing lovingly at the parade, getting a bunch of "awws" and "ewws."
"Ah don't care what they say.. let 'em eww all they want. I ain't gonna change yah love for you.."


- Waking up.. alone? That almost never happens.
- Wandering to find him, ending up seeing him talking with Archimedes.
- "Vell, yes, but how do I do zhat?! I need to be smooth, Archimedes, like peanut butter!"
- Giggling at the two, them turning at you and Medic's face going beet red in seconds.
- Calming him down and suggesting you go out on a dinner date.
- Medic agreeing and giving you a sweet kiss.
- Heading to the Med Bay to play music and slow dance like there's no tomorrow.
- Eventually going on that dinner date and enjoying nice plates of (favorite food).
- Going back home and having a bit of.. fun~ ;)
"Ich liebe dich, mein Königin. Never leave.."


- Him taking you out into the wilderness as soon as you wake up.
- Having a picnic together under a big tree.
- Him giving you a pretty bracelet, and you giving him a tooth necklace.
- The both of you getting a bit tipsy.
- Dancing in the camper for a small bit, stubbing your toes once in a while.
- Getting on top of the camper at night to stargaze in silence, holding each other close.
- Kissing passionately as soon as you spot a shooting star.
"Oi love you.. words can't describe how happy it makes me to see you smile on days like these. Gimme a kiss, will ya?"


- Waking up and finding out that Spy had reserved a fancy place to eat and some secret night plans.
- Happily dressing in a slightly showy outfit, him almost taking you right then and there.
- A bright red blush rolling across your cheeks when he compliments you in French.
- Heading out and having your food, lovingly gazing into each others eyes at some points. 
- Getting some weird looks from people who think you're too romantic. Fuck them, am I right? The can't tell you how to love.
- You singing to him since there was karaoke nearby.
- Holding hands on the way home and admiring the scenery passing by.
- Finally arriving home for some sweet, gentle, Valentine's Day lovin'. ;)
"You know I love you, right, mon cherie? Not just because of your undeniable beauty.. I love more than that. Prove it? Come here, then.. let me show you how much I love you."

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