Chapter 2 - Broken

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Leonid POV

I open my eyes and see I am in a room, only lit by crimson flames. I see a shield on the ground and start to wonder, then the rest of the light comes in and I see I am in an arena. I look around and see a weapons rack filled with weapons that look too nice to be made by mortals. I pick up a sword and can feel the power and hate coming off the blade and flowing into me. I feel a presence and raise my shield as a spear bounces off it. I turn around and see none other than Ares himself standing there.

Ares: Time moves faster in here than the outside world.

Leonid: Where are we Lord Ares?

He sighs and looks at me,

Ares: We are in your head. It is one way the gods commune with humans. Also, just call me Ares. I am not worthy of the title lord, and I shall never accept it even if I am.

I nod and look at the sword,

Leonid: Whose sword is this Ares? It has great power, yet I can feel the hatred and sadness leaking off of it.

He looks at the ground then back at me,

Ares: It belonged to my son. Ascalaphus, he fought during the Trojan war. My only wish is that I could have saved him, instead he died and all I could take was his blade.

I nod and put the sword at my side, I walk over to him and pat his shoulder.

Leonid: I understand Ares, shall we begin? I assume it will help clear your mind?

He smirks and nods,

Ares: Aye, it will help clear my mind. Draw your sword boy, it is time we trained like true Spartans.

I nod and grab the blade. I draw it from its sheath and I notice that the sword is glowing gold.

Leonid: the sword supposed to glow and change?

He turns around and sees the blade,

Ares: The blade fits to whatever it judges as your soul. My final test is to see what kind of blade you carry and who else has wielded it.

I nod and focus as the light dies down I am holding, Leonidas's blade! Ares looks at me in shock. I look at him and take a fighting stance,

Leonid: Today is not the day I die. Shall we Ares?

He shakes off his shock and grabs his spear from the dirt. He grabs his shield and we both begin to circle in the arena. He charges towards me, I smirk and copy his charge. We are about to clash, when I slide under his shield and slam my shield into his knees and watch him crumble to the ground. I quickly stand up and put the sword to his neck. He grabs my arm and flips me over him, my shield is launched away from me by the force of the throw. I look at him and smirk, I take my stance again and this time charge at him first. He seems to anticipate this and takes a defensive stance, I make it look like i'm about to slide then jump over his head and kick him in the back. He rolls forward then shoots up and launches his spear at me with the force only a god could have. I do the only thing I could think of at the time and stick my hand out. I grab the spear from mid air and throw it back with the same amount of force. He catches it and slides back, I feel a burning sensation and feel myself become lighter. I charge towards Ares and he blocks my attack with his shield. I grab the shield and tear it army from him, I punch him in the jaw and then spin kick him. He falls to the ground and I smirk, I take my sword and go to finish the job. As I bring the sword down he grabs the blade and throws me back. I look up and feel myself becoming stronger, I look up with rage filling my body. I let out a war cry and charge into him, I tackle him to the ground and punch his chest plate. It dents and Ares looks shocked, then smirks.

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