Chapter 1 rising of the Senamatrion knight

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The kingdom of senamatrion had an election but the election is different they have to fight for glory
to be the king.

The boy named Cris watched the fight he supported his father named Drake

Drake: whatever happens to me son I will take all of the and everything to be the king promise
Cris: please take care father and don't forget your promise.
Drake: I will, goodbye son

His father had his first fight and won he was promoted to the next level and had another fight without any rest but still won he was promoted to the finals

Director of the election: no one should use any weapons only your fists be ready
Drake: I can handle this. (a little bit nervous)

His enemy was big it was Edith they had a hard fight with an annoying arrow that shoot them so they have to fight will dodging the arrows and cannons this field was made by pure sacrifice. Drake died and was shot in the back

Cris saw what happened and told his mother that his father died. Cris cried
Mother of Cris:your father is the one who feeds us and does everything for us now he is gone. (Said sadly)
Cris: what will we do to eat mother? father is gone!....

The next morning.....

Mother of cris: Son I think you will have a job.
Cris: what is it?
Mother of Chris: You can work on a farm. Maybe your grandfather will teach and take care of you.
Cris: What about you mother?
Mother of Cris: I think I will work at a fruit stand.
Cris: And where will you get fruits and a fruit stand?
Mother of Cris: I already found my boss I will push the fruit stand to the farm and I will take some fruits then push the stand again then sell the fruits.
Cris: mother that job is tirring.when will we start?
Mother: Maybe tomorrow I guess
Cris: Tomorrow I am not ready for that
Mother of Cris: Don't be silly honey we need to be always ready on what's happening
Cris: ok mother

The next day.....

Cris had a long walk to the farm with his mother and unexpectedly they saw an old man

Old man: the kingdom will fall to pieces
Cris: why?

His mother quickly dragged him to her left

Cris: Mother why did you dragged me?
Mother of Cris: I already told you to be careful or cautious
Cris: oh yeah I forgot sorry mother.
Mother of Cris: it's ok next time do not repeat your mistake

They continued to walk

Cris: Mother how far is it
Mother: I think we are near

When they arrived his mother had
the feeling of being suspicious
When Cris walked even closer to the farm and wondered"why are the farms looked scary. Then the farm was on fire then Cris saw a man with a strange mask and stared at him (look at the picture above).
Then his mother holds him and ran to a safer place. When they crossed the bridge his mother suddenly trips to a small rock and fell but Cris was holding his mother's hand for she will not fall to the lake but Cris gave all his strength to save his mother.

Mother of Cris: I always love you don't forget me, son
Cris: mother I can still handle this you can be safe

His mother fell to the lake. then Cris cried

Cris: mother no! he cried loudly

The old man saw him

Old man: what happened, young man?!
Cris: my mother fell in the lake
Old man: I felt sorry for you
Cris: it's ok
Old man: did you saw a man with a mask?
Cris: yes a man with a mask I saw him when the farm was burned down
Old man: you're in danger young man.
Cris: why?
Old man: one time I saw a man said "I saw a man with a scary mask" then suddenly a sword flew in the air then the man died because of the sword
Cris: that scared me can you please protect me?
Old man: the truth is...
Cris: what?
Old man: I am a real expert sorcerer I do magic too
Cris: really can you teach me?please
Old man: I may not teach you everything but you can read my book and choose only 1 magic then choose 3 spells to cast magic then I will teach you all of your chosen magic.
Cris: ok I will agree with that.

Then they began walking to the wizard's shack

Go see the next chapter

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