Chapter 2 | The deadly training

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When they arrived at the wizard's shack
Cris was thinking about what magic will he chose the dark or the Oceanic magic
He chose the black magic and for his spell, he chose the black skull shot, weapon morph spell, and the 3 lives spell.

Old man: wow you chose the hardest spells and the hardest magic are you sure you can handle this?
Cris: yes I can handle this, and this is for my mother and father.
Old man: ok, but you need to be 18 above.
Cris: Say what but I am only 14!
Old man: so I need to grow you up to be 18!...
Cris: if you can I will work hard to be a knight.
Old man: that's why I only let you choose only 1 magic and 3 spells.
Cris: why can't I choose a bigger number than that?
Old man: because a man only has a 100% and only use 50% for mana and 50% for you need to eat in a proper time and drink 8 glasses of water every day and do some activities that make you sweat and eat healthy foods and sleep at a right time so your mana will enhance to just 10% so your right mana will be 110% that is the maximum amount of your mana so you can have the last spell because the 3 lives spell needs 35% of your mana another spell only needs 5% and spell are 10% just like weapon morph and skull shot you can have another spell that cost 5% of your mana, still you have your 50% to be a knight I think it only cost 30% of your mana and 20% for your activities so you can protect the whole kingdom.
Cris: I don't get it
Old man: I already have told you that you are too young for this
Cris: oh yeah I forgot sorry

Suddenly a sword flew in the air Cris managed to dodge the sword and another sword flew and almost killed the Wizard. Cris picked up a small but tall branch to fight back

Old man: I can handle this. Telekinesis!!!
Cris: what

The old man suddenly saw the masked man and used his power so he successfully captured the masked man and placed him in a small prison. The masked man never talks they did everything to let him talked but he never ever talks. The old man used his powers and used the spell telekinesis to remove his mask (then look at the picture from the beginning) then they asked

Old man: Why did you do this you don't have the right to do that
Cris: yes the old man is right you don't have the right to kill the people's that looks at you

But the man still keeps his mouth quiet. He still keeps his mouth shut even if they did everything to make him talk but never. After 1 week Cris read everything in the "book of mages" and studied it. When he swiped the next page he saw the picture of the man that they have jailed. He saw the word hablar omorir and started to shout at the man" hablar o morir, for three times " Until the man's face changed and started to talk

Man: Ugh where am I? (Hardly breathing)
Cris: Are you ok can you explain to us about what happened to you
Man: first I was the slave of the king
Old man: on what kingdom?
Man: the kingdom of Furu
Cris: and then? What happened next?
Man: the mages of the kingdom of Furu casts a spell on me and my feelings we're changed I did not even care to anything then the king of Furu said I need to be improved. Then the mages cast another spell to me and the last word I heard was "know he will kill anyone who looks at him, now go to the kingdom of Senamatrion and knows about the kingdom of the Senamatrion before we destroy that kingdom..."
Cris: so they are about to destroy our kingdom. I need to be a night so I can save the kingdom of Senamatrion
Old man: do not forget you need to wait for 4 years to be a knight and train magics
Cris: oh yeah I almost forgot.
Old man: never forget any important details
Cris: ok sorry
Man: can I get out of this little jail I won't go back to the kingdom of Furu
Cris: you can stay. Can you teach me a little about your skills?
Man: I told you that was just a spell that made me strong now it is gone because that old man saved me
Cris: ugh why am I so forgetful I hope I will not repeat the same mistake that I have done.

The next day the child wanted to know the name of the old man or great wizard

Cris: umm I just wanted to know your name because I don't know your name
Old man: Oh I forgot! To introduce my self, my name is Arnold
Cris: And I wanted to know the name of the man
Man: And my name is Jack.
Cris: My name is Cris
Jack: What happened to you how did you end up being with Arnold?
Cris: When my father entered the election, at the last round he lost and he died he was the only one that feeds us every day and works for us and know we had nothing to eat for 2 days. When my mother saw a job that is suited for me and her, she said I will be working at a farm and she will sell some fruits and vegetables, but when we arrive at the farm, I can barely see that the farm is smoking and I think it will explode and burns, when I saw you, my mother, quickly dragged me and ran far away from away farm. When we walked across the bridge my mother fell into the bridge and died then the old man came for me. I was hooked when the old man said that if a mysterious man with a mask looks at you, then you will be in great danger and the old man captured you and removed your mask. (started to cry)
Jack: oh I felt sorry for you
Cris: it's ok I am ok

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