Chapter 5 | The oath of The Kingdom Of Furu

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Will Hanzo fell asleep as he dies. After years passed by the witch. Walked towards the grave.

Witch: Now your 18 years old it's time to bring you back to life

Then the which casts her spell to revive Hanzo back to life. Hanzo's appearance changed as he was alive. ( You can look at the pic if you want ). Hanzo looked like a child when he awakens but he started to change. His face turned into an adult.

Hanzo: I'm feeling something powerful.
Witch: Yeah I forgot to tell you that you can regain powers like that.
Hanzo: What type of power is this?
Witch: This is Dark magic, I can see that there are two men that have this power, one from another kingdom and you.
Hanzo: How did he get this power?
Witch: That's the question that I cannot answer.
Hanzo: Well, ok.
Witch: Some say that there is a club full of Samurais. But before you join those stuff practice your powers
Hanzo: Ok, but can you please teach me?
Witch: You have all the abilities. And you're powerful than the other guy that has this power.
Hanzo: Ok I'm gonna practice all of my skills

Then Hanzo walked strangely to the forest of death.

Forest of Death- this forest had the most people that died here because of the murderer, war, suicide, and other stuff that people dies. People say that this is the most hunted and creepiest Forest. One morning a child was walking in the forest and the neighbors near the forest woke up early and they can see the boy approaching the forest. Then a man from the house went outside to warn the boy. But the boy went into the forest first. Then the man waited to see the boy. Suddenly the man saw the boy in the forest but the boy's appearance changed. His eyes were black and his cloth we're full of blood. The man ran towards him. When the man got closer the boy screamed and the man was scared. The boy suddenly vanishes in the wind. They believed that the boy was alive when he entered the forest but he turned into a spirit when he went out but goes back. That is the story of this forest then everything or everyone that entered dies. There are some bodies spotted in there and there is quicksand that pulls you faster than a normal quicksand. There are plants that can kill you just like the seaweed flower. A seaweed flower is from the lake in the middle of the forest. When you swim in the lake, a plant or a seaweed will suddenly grab you and drown you to death. And there are many plants that can kill you but I can only tell you about the deadliest plant the Seaweed flower. And some say that there are spirits who roam around and kills anyone. And some say that this is a nightmare or hell forest.

Hanzo can communicate with ghosts and spirits because of his powers.

Hanzo forgot every scary creature like ghosts and others. But he treats ghosts like humans. When Hanzo entered the forest he saw the scary ghosts but he did not react to the ghost. Hanzo has many skills that he was able to count. And then he started to use some of his skills

After years passed by Hanzo saw a poster that says"

Who would like to enter the group of samurai's advanced warriors?

Hanzo stole the poster and brought the poster to the station of samurai's

The judge will let all the participants bring their very own and strong katana. Then the participants will start the examination
Examination- this is a different exam. They must use their agility, speed, and strength to cut some woods, metal, and lastly the shield of a Spartan. If the participant can slice the shield in halves the participant will be the next general of all the samurai's.

Hanzo entered the location of the examination
Hanzo did everything to slice the shield but he almost failed and the good news is that Hanzo sliced the shield neatly. Hanzo became the general of all the samurai

But the time passed by Hanzo raged war against other kingdoms and he won. There is a secret that no one knows about Hanzo

Hanzo has an oath from the gods to never rage war then he will be given powers.

That's all for this chapter. I made this chapter short because I decided to make another story and sorry for the long wait. Thank you for reading this chapter. And please read my other book the FRANKENSTEIN.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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