Chapter 4 | Story of The Kingdom Of Furu

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Before this place...

Before everything, it was not a kingdom from the first. It was just a village, where normal people and kind people live. The first leader was Hudson.

Hudson was known for his leadership. People choose him because of his leadership, Hudson will do everything to protect his own village. Until the 7th leader. The 7th leader of the village decided to build a castle and a kingdom and paid all the workers. The workers were very happy because The 7th leader gave them a high salary. Because workers have a high salary they also use some of their own money to drink some alcohol. But some of the workers died because of their work. People were scared and afraid to work. And that's why the 7th leader will increase the salary of every worker.

There are some scary happenings in the Kingdom after it was built



The 8th leader or king built a farm. And the farm is very close to the forest. Some of the old men and women said that the forest near the farm is very dangerous and deadly plants that might kill you and anyone.

The farmers started to work and do their own chores or jobs. The 5th night...

The most hard-working farmer went to the farm and checked all the plants. Suddenly a vine moved by itself. The farmer ignored it and forgets it. Then he saw a giant plant that ate a man. The Farmer ran as fast as he could and he reported on what happened to the other farmers. Then he ran to the nearest guards and he reported it. The guards laughed and did not believe him.

Farmer: Please help the other farmers from the killing plant.
Guard: Killing Plant? Aha haha, there is no plant that can kill a human.
Farmer: If you don't believe me, so just follow me and prepare some weapons
Guard 2: We don't need a weapon to kill a small plant. Ahahahh now let's go.
Farmer: Ok just... Follow me.
Guard: Ok

Then they started to walk towards the forest.

Guard: Now where is it. Hahaha, you just wasted our time.

Then a poisonous spiked vine started to grab the foot of the 2nd guard. The second guard shouted. Then the Guard grabbed his own sword and prepared. Because of the speed of the vine, they did not saw what happened. The farmer was scared that night.

Guard: We should be quiet because they might here us ( whispering )
Farm: Ok.

Then they started to hide under the bushes and walked slowly. They saw a Venus Flytrap that ate the 2nd guard. The farmer was really scared and then they ran. The Venus Flytrap saw them running. They ran so fast that they escaped the forest. They went back. But when the farmer looked at the back, he saw nothing and the guard was missing. The next day...

The farmer ran to the castle and reported what happened to the people. The guards just laughed and ignored him. Their commander believed the farmer. The commander prepared his own army to charge and burn the forest. At first, the commander planned to check the place. Then they checked the place. Suddenly the guards began to be few. The commander was finding his own assistant, Roger. Then the commander found the middle part of the forest. The commander was sweating. Then he saw the head of his assistant hanging on the tree. The commander shouted " Retreat! Retreat! Retreat! " but no one was there anymore. He ran fast as he could to escape the forest. He almost escaped but he tripped and grabbed by the vines. The farmer looked at the forest and then the farmer saw a body of a guard without its own head. He began walking closer and closer to the body. Then a vine grabbed him and killed him. The people who lived near the forest started to rage fire in the forest. But when they burned the forest, nothing was damaged to the forest and then a good grabbed their own foot and brought them down and suffocating them to death.

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