Chapter 3 | The Knight's Life

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As days pass by Cris still did not know where to live he keeps walking around the kingdom to find a place to live
Then he encountered a House we're fruits sells

Cris: Anyone in here?!
Man: Yes? Do you wanna buy some of my fruit?
Cris: No thanks, but can I stay here, I will promise I will work hard
Man: Sorry but I think it won't work out
Cris: But.

The man who talked to Cris quickly closed the door
Cris continuously walks to find a place to live. He can only eat leftover foods in some of the kingdoms eateries
One day, while Cris was walking towards the kingdom's eateries he saw a woman walking towards him. The woman gave bread to him then they had a conversation

Woman: Hi what is your name?
Cris: My name is Cris. Please help me I am so hungry
Woman: My name is Alice, nice to meet you. I can help you, but you need to sacrifice your life to this
Cris: What? I will do everything to be successful
Alice: I will take you to my home or just a room

They started walking to Alice's room. Alice does not like the way Cris looked like so she bought a shirt and some shorts for Cris she bought them while Cris is taking a bath. Cris was surprised by what Alice did
Cris took the shirts and washed them then he dried them. Then Cris asked Alice

Cris: So what job will you give to me?
Alice: Maybe help me clean the eateries
Cris: I am good with that. Although thank you for the shirt you bought me you remind me of my mother
Alice: No problem as long as I can help you. Why do you have many scars?
Cris: I forgot to tell you that I know some spells like flickering, skull shot, weapon morph, and the 3 lives spell
Alice: wow can you show it to me?

Cris holds Alice's hand and dragged her to the forest he used some of his spells as they walk by Cris saw the wizard's shack he knew that the shack was burned. He keeps exploring with Alice in the shack, then Cris saw a piece of paper, then he started to read

"Dear Cris

I know you will try your best to do your mission and I wanted to support you but I will no longer exist, but I will teach you how to get the unlimited mana so you will be unstoppable. It is very easy you just say the word
" energía ilimitada" shout it three times. Then find a chest that contains a potion then drink the potion and say the word " energía ilimitada " 5 times. All you need is to survive the pain that you will receive. And please use your power properly and don't forget to be cautious always, protect yourself from danger. Goodbye"

Cris cried. After he cried he did everything that Arnold said. He kept searching the chest that contained a potion.

After moments happens, Alice found a chest and opened it there was only one potion in the chest. Then Cris did everything. Cris levitated in the air and started to have 3 large scars.

Cris: I think I finished it. I have unlimited mana. I can use my spells continuously. My enemy will feel the pain that they will receive
Alice: Wow I was hooked on what you have. You can do magic?
Cris: Yes I can do magic
Alice: By the way, I am still 15. Are you older than me?
Cris: Yeah, because I am 18. I started to do magic when I was 18
Alice: That is very interesting.
Cris: I think we need to go back home
Alice: I agree with your decision.

Then they started to walk home. Suddenly another group of masked men encountered them. Cris quickly used his skull shot to clear the way. They ran so fast to go home.

Alice: who are those guys?
Cris: They are a group of men who will kill anyone and they were planning to destroy the kingdom of Senamatrion
Alice: Really? How do you know that?
Cris: Arnold is an old man who saved me from a masked guy who tried to kill me. He saw the future in his crystal ball. He saw war and masked men who are planning to destroy the kingdom of Senamatrion.
Alice: We need to report this to the palace.
Cris: This information is not enough
Alice: Then what will we do?
Cris: Find some information about it. If we have time for that.

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