~Chapter Two~

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Chapter Two~ Cheers!


The first thing that flew out of my mouth the minute I opened my eyes and saw the time.

Scrambling through the obstacle course I call a room, I made my way to the bathroom. I quickly got ready, throwing all the things I see fit for school in my backpack.

My room isn't always this messy. Whatever storm passed through it must have been a big one.

It was me. I was the storm.

They'll clean it up.

Downstairs I met the very people I despise the most, my parents.

"You're going to be late," my mother said sternly. She didn't bother to tare her eyes from the paper she was reading to look at me.

"Good morning to you too." I mumbled, quickening my pace before my father says anything.

"The door is that way." He motion with his head in the direction of the door, peering over his glasses that rest on the bridge of his nose.

"Breakfast." I said, waving him off. In a respectful way of course.

I don' t necessarily hate my dad. Even though he seems like an arrogant piece of poop that cares about nothing more than his reputation and his business, he actually cares.

When I was little, I remember him taking my siblings and I out on small adventures up the mountains. We'd go camping, fishing, to the amusement park. He'd do everything he can with us in the little time he had.

Instead of resting, he bonded with us. Made us happy.

Made me happy.

As I got older, we drifted. We didn't do much together and it was getting harder to talk to him. I had to set an appointment once.

Just to see my father.

My mother, on the other hand, was a witch. She would never spend time with us. She would complain that we were the ones who diminished and disoriented her beauty and her figure.

She would tell us day by day how thin she was. How exotic and captivating she once looked.

She was mostly mad at me. Saying that I did most of the damage.

Like I asked you to mess around and give birth to me.

Being an actress, you would have thought she would at least fake the love for her very own offsprings.

She spent most of her life trying to get the figure she once had back then. Hours in the gym, days in the doctors office.

Once, I thought my mother was going to turn into a rabbit because she was eating so many green leaves. I was about seven or so.

After grabbing a sandwich made by one of the lovely but ever so grumpy cook that resides with us, I made my way through the back door and to the garage.

Shuffling around, I finally found my keys.

Today's going to be a drag. I just know it.


" Noah!" She screamed before throwing herself at me and giving me a hug.

I didn't even make it through the front door properly and I was already being attacked.

" Morning. Did you sleep well?" All I want is for her to let go.

Please. Your perfume is killing me.

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