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Chapter Five – Silk And Ashes

A/N: Made this twice as long as I usually do, and that's on being quarantined. 

Warning: Abuse, Stockholm Syndrome. 


You dropped your hands from the silk ties of your dress and lowered your head towards the ground as you saw Kai come up behind you in the mirror. Your body tensed up as you felt his hands graze your waist before he grabbed the silk ties himself.

"I told you I would tie your dress for you, yet you still tried to do it yourself."

"I forgot. I'm sorry."

Kai grabbed the thick silk strings that hung off your dress and started to tie them together behind your back for you. He looped them in an x and pulled tightly, making your head snap up and gasp in pain as the silky linen was strongly pulled against your abdomen.

Tying your dress? This was a cute thing that a lover would do. This was a domestic thing a man would do for a woman, a way of helping her so she wouldn't have to reach. This was no nice loving gesture. This wasn't him cutely helping you, the look Kai gave you through the mirror's reflection said it all.

"Too tight?"

You bit your lip as you nodded your head up and down in response to Kai's question. Truthfully it hurt to breathe, but you were too scared to tell him that. Scared out of fear that he would laugh and pull tighter. You tried to relieve the pain by sucking your gut in.

Kai finished of the tie by double knotting it. There would be no getting that tie off without tearing the silk tie off the dress entirely. He ran his hands over your waist and hips, smoothing out any wrinkles you might have had. Completely ignoring your obvious pain and discomfort, he grabbed your hand and roughly tugged you towards the door

"Let's go, I have an important meeting. You're lucky I'm even letting you leave the bedroom."

You balled your palms into fists and dug the balls of your heel into the ground, stopping you from moving far. Irritated with the pain you thought over whether you should ask Kai to retie your dress. This would be your first time leaving the bedroom since he had separated you and Eri from each other. You had been stuck there for so long you lost count of the days. What if he got upset and made you stay there longer?

"We don't have time to waste, we have guests coming."

You took a few steps closer towards Kai but the pain as you walked was too heavy and made you grimace.

"W-Will you retie my dress? It hurts."

"If you want it retied, you'll have to undo that knot and retie it yourself. Let it serve as a lesson. Remember that the next time you forget something I say."

It wasn't a sweet gesture, it was a reminder. A reminder that if you defied him in even the smallest way he would have to teach you a lesson. Everything with Kai was a lesson, but that was your fault. It was always your fault.

Kai was trying to do something nice for you, but you didn't listen. It was your fault that you would be stuck all day in a tight dress. Kai had said he would tie your dress for you, yet you tried to do it yourself anyway, you defied him. It was your fault that Kai's heart had teeth, maybe if you listened more than he could love you better.

You force a small smile on your face as you look up at Kai. If you made loving you easier then maybe he wouldn't have to hurt you as much. This was your fault, not his. Your pain was your fault, not his.

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