Half Alive

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"Kyra, it's time." Quentin says, placing his hand onto Kyra's shoulder. She looks up at him and nods, standing up and pulling her hair back into a messy bun at the top of her head.

Loki and Kamala are on the other side of the room, they weren't coming for this trip. Loki had already put a failsafe in Kyra, he needed to put on into Kamala before they sent her out.

"Then let's go."

Quentin materializes his and Kyra's armor around then before flying them both out of their hideout. Kyra takes a moment while they are flying to appreciate the view. All the people going about their day, ignorant to what is about to happen.

Kyra's armor made in a similar fashion to Quentin's. The same color scheme and the center of her chest piece has the same eye as Quentin's Mysterio armor.

They reach their destination, the top of Stark Tower, and Kyra hacks their way in unnoticed.

"Kyra?" Her head swivels around to face Dominic, "yeah?"

"You good?" He asks her, placing a caring hand on her shoulder. Her eyes dart around unsure and worried, unsure of the answer and worried if she'll ever find her way back to the X-Men, her home, and her family.

Kyra sat shocked, how had none of them realized New York was attacked? Then, three words came that shocked her to her core, 'Tony Stark Missing'.

A day later, sitting on her bed scared, Peter keeping her company, Kyra looks out the window to where Storm is showing some of the younger students her lightning, only to see two of them turn to dust and disappear.

Charles did a headcount of who was left, luckily nobody else at the school had disappeared. "Kyra, my darling," He begins, getting her & Peter's attention.

"Charles? What's happening?"

He shakes his head, "My darling, I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry? What's happening?"

"Your father and brother were on the spaceship; I don't know if they're okay. Your mother and twin are okay, but most of the avengers are gone, your eldest brother, Harley, he disappeared too."

Kyra is in shock, 'Peter, take her to her mother, they need to be together,' Charles tells Peter, who picks Kyra up and hold her against him, she's still tiny compared to him, something that probably won't change, and runs to the Tower, which Tony didn't end up selling since it was easier for Peter to get there than the compound. Luckily Pepper was at the tower when everyone disappeared.

"Mommy?" Kyra whispered out when she saw her mother across from her, and, when Peter put her down, ran across to hug her as tightly as she could.

She'd lost Harley, and maybe Peter and her father.

"As good as I can be." Dominic glances over, but Kyra's face is like a blank canvas, no emotions present. Then, like a gust of wind, she's gone.

One second, Kyra is looking at Dominic, thinking about how she'll get home the next, she's in a brightly lit basement filled with electricity waiting for her to use.

"Peter?" Kyra spins around, excited, her bubble of happiness deflating at the realization that, no, it's not Peter. Seeing her older brother behind the man with the same powers as Peter, she sighs exasperated, her older brother still thinks of her as the little eleven-year-old kid who he remembered from before the blip.

She'd been through a lot since then, even though Erik and Charles attempted to let Kyra be a kid and distance her from danger and missions, after the blip she grew up fast and would no longer take no for an answer. Charles, Erik and the X-Men are the only ones who have seen her be a kid since that day, the childish nature she has within herself is locked away, guarded inside her, protecting her.

Kyra is Lost, but also FoundWhere stories live. Discover now