Five More Minutes

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It's been 3 weeks since we last heard from Kyra Stark and her older brother Harley Keener-Stark.

Stark Industries CEO Pepper Potts and Owner Tony Stark have yet to comment on the disappearance of two of their children but people reportedly saw Keener-Stark in his suit with a small group of the Iron Legion flying out of Stark Tower the night before the two Starks disappeared.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the school for Mutants like Kyra Stark, have been radio silent since Kyra Stark's birthday (March 19th).

It's not the first time we've had radio silence from the school, following the attack on Stark Tower by Mysterio and Loki with the aid of controlled Kyra and Kamala Stark (twins), Kyra was being treated by world-renowned geneticist and fellow mutant Charles Xavier [the owner and namesake of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters].

When Kyra's younger twin, Kamala died, Dr Henry McCoy, a renowned biochemist, geneticist, and engineer who works at the school released this statement "Kyra is mourning the loss of her sister but is in perfect physical health. She'll be keeping off the internet for a while, while she recovers mentally and emotionally."

For the past two weeks the top trending hashtags have been '#whereiskyra' and '#whereisharley'. If you see either of them, tweet with the respective hashtags '#kyrafound' and '#harleyfound' plus the city you're currently in.

More updates on the location of Kyra and Harley Stark will come when we get them.

For now, we can only hope that wherever they are in the world, Harley and Kyra Stark are safe, we love you two and we're looking for you.

The absence of Kyra Stark has hit the world hard. Or at least, her YouTube subscribers and Social Media followers. The eldest daughter of Tony Stark and CEO of Stark Industries Pepper Potts has been missing since her 17th birthday, the night of March 19th.

No statements have been given by Stark Industries or Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, frequently mentioned by Kyra on all her platforms as where she lived from age seven, but many reports have come asking why the Iron Legion and IronLad (Harley Keener-Stark, also missing) were seen leaving Stark Tower (re-renamed after Avengers Compound was built) close to midnight March 19th.

Kyra created an avid fanbase for herself long before the world knew her as Kyra Stark, her YouTube channel having had almost half a million subscribers before it blew up after she responded to articles publics about her best friend/brother Peter Maximoff. Her fans both old and new started '#whereiskyra' and even went so far as to include her eldest brother Harley with his own '#whereisharley' after both disappeared from public eye.

We are all hoping that Kyra and Harley are safe and sound somewhere. The hashtags have both been used by members of the Avengers in a way that hasn't clued us into whether they know where the Stark children are or not but we're looking into it.

If you have any information about the location of the Stark children, let us know below!

3 months ago, Harley and Kyra Stark arrived in a new Universe, sent by the fluctuating power of the Ghost Rider after he was shot at and wounded. But for him?

For Robbie Reyes, the Ghost Rider, it was 12 days ago that he arrived in a new world, outside a building called Star Labs and was stitched up, a hairclip clutched tightly in his hand while he and two men called Cisco Ramone and Barry Allen attempted to find its owner.

Jumping though portals, it takes the three of them 27 tries to get the right universe. And boy were those universes strange. Everyone was female, everyone was male. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner were comic book superheroes and Kyra didn't even exist. Everyone was religious, everyone was an atheist. Tony Stark was a supervillain and ruled the world. It was strange.

Landing in the 28th world, the trio pause, there's a girl sleeping on a bed. Robbie inches closer, unable to see her face from where they landed.

'The hair looks right, so does the skin color.'

"It's her."

He sits on the edge of the bed turning to look at Kyra, he'd last seen her when she was 15, she hadn't changed.

Her long platinum hair was spread out on the pillow like a newly made bed, her expression neutral, not calm but not tense either.

"Kyra?" Robbie gently whispers, placing his hand in hers, rubbing circles on the back of her hand, repeating his whisper of her name like a mantra.

"Robbie?" She groggily replies as she's brought out of her sleep. Seconds later she shoots up, eyes wide open staring at him.

"Oh my god you're actually here! I've been looking everywhere for you!" She exclaims, pulling him forward into a tight, bone-crushing hug.

"I'm here, 27 universes later, but I'm here." He replies, hugging her back just as securely as if he thought she would disappear from his grasp.

Barry, Cisco, and Robbie all leave Kyra's room to give her some privacy while she changes into some new clothes. She's out of her room two minutes later, having found a blue sweater and a camisole and put her black, ripped, skinny jeans and red boots from the day before on again.

She makes her way over to where the Joker and Harley, her pseudo parents for this world are standing in the corner, giving them each a long-lasting hug.

"Thank you, for taking me in and looking after me while I was here. I'm really gonna miss you guys."

She smiles up at the two of them, trying desperately not to let the tears building in her eyes roll down her cheeks. Harley pulls her into another hug, whispering a message into her ear. Pulling back, Kyra nods, smiling brighter and seeming happier. She grabs her bag that holds everything she bought in this world bar the clothes, only the ones she arrived with are in the bag.

"Take this, it should get you guys home." Cisco hands Kyra a disk, similar to the one being held by Barry.

"Thank you, for helping Robbie and for this," she holds up the disk and waves at the two metahumans, who knew that a vacation in another universe would bring new friends and allies.

Kyra takes one final look at the safe house and with a long sigh and a heavy heart, follows Robbie outside.

"So, where's your brother?"

Kyra is Lost, but also FoundWhere stories live. Discover now