Mother's Valentine
My mother made a valentine
So very long ago
And decked it out all prettily
Like for a special beau.I watched her as she cut the heart
Then frilled it up with lace
And worked artistically away,
A smile upon her face.She wove a ribbon, shiny red,
Among the lace so white
Then placed a picture of herself
Through a slit she cut inside.I saw the words, “I love you, Dear,
I'm proud to be your wife
You're given me the blessings
Of a blissful, wedded life.”I felt like laughing out for joy,
My childish heart was glad!
Mom's special valentine would go
To a special beau named Dad.
Lucille KingValentine Memories
Grandma's book of valentines
Rekindles memory's flame,
Of days when she was just a girl
And life a happy game.Each lace-edged card a getting bears
From friends of long ago,
Girls in gingham dresses
And that “special” Sunday beau.It brings a twinkle to her eye,
Dissolving lines of age,
As we sit in the lamplight
And turn each well worn page.It makes me kind of wonder
f perhaps some distant day,
A grandchild shall sit at my side
And leaf each page this way.‘Cause I could sit for hours,
There at my grandma's knee,
And listen to the stories
That the valentines set free.A book of antique valentines
That reaches black in time
To tell the tales of yesteryear
In illustrated rhyme.
Shirley Sallay