07: The foosball game that never happened

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"We didn't realize we were making memories

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"We didn't realize we were making memories.

We just knew we were having fun."


"Does anyone know how to do question four on the calculus assignment?" Devon asked Alex, Akito, and myself nearby.

I shook my head.

"You're already at four? I'm still on question one," I said with shock, ignoring my blank paper that only has my name on it. I shook my head. "I think I need to review limits again."

Akito wanted to tell me about some drama in his band class while the Calc teacher was explaining limits. As a result, we retained no information and  have been stuck on the first question ever since.

"So no one knows how to do four then?" Devon repeated.

"The answer for that one is the limit doesn't exist," Alex answered, looking up from his laptop to explain to Devon.

Devon gave the middle finger. "You're not even in the class asshole."

Alex smirked before looking down at his computer. "I couldn't help it. I love that movie so much."

"The answer is actually one," Akito corrected.

We all looked at Akito.

"Did you already finish the homework?" I asked. Akito nodded his head. My jaw almost dropped because Akito wasn't paying attention in class either, so how did he finish the homework already?

Devon wrote that down before looking back up. "Great, that is what I got. Anyways, do you guys want to play foosball? I don't want to do the calc homework anymore."

Akito peered up from his laptop, a smirk growing on his face. He closed the computer with newfound interest.

"You're on," he agreed. A finger pointed to me. "I call France on my team."

"I call Archy when's he back from practice," Devon countered.

Archy usually came late when we get together for homework. Along with football practice he also has to have time to work out and keep the muscles on his body as well through rigorous training.

He also was the most social and popular one out of the bunch of us so he usually came later after hanging out with some of his teammates. This year, he will be coming later than usual from talking to recruiters for college football.

"I can step in for Archy in the meantime," Alex volunteered.

Devon glared at Alex, and shook his head vigorously.

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