11: The boys who disappeared

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"I got a bad feeling about this

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"I got a bad feeling about this." 


When Archy opened his locker, envelopes and post-it notes, posters, and letters fell on the ground.

"I didn't know high schoolers have fans," I observed while Archy crouched down to pick up the letters. His eyebrows furrowed with curiosity as he picked up the scraps of paper on the ground. "Does that make us your groupie or something?" 

"Shut up." He shoved the envelopes back into the locker. He looked at the mirror and did his hair in the mirror on his locker- a habit he adapted after doing morning and evening workouts in the school gym.

"I'm just commenting on your fan mail," I protested innocently. Archy rolled his eyes.

"Where was this energy two days ago? We were supposed to celebrate, remember?" Archy asked, his voice laced with hurt. While his face was relaxed, his tone became more harsh than it was before.

Archy invited all of us to his family get together to celebrate Archy's acceptance to Stanford. His parents always hosted gatherings, something that we all had enjoyed in the past.

I would've gone to the event, but I already had something to do.

Something I'm not ready to talk about with them just yet.

"I told you I couldn't come with this weekend," I responded vaguely, avoiding is questioning gaze. "Remember?"

His eyes narrowed at mine, making his tan face more haunting.

"I told you all already. My weekends are normally booked," I reminded him. This was not new information that I am the most busy during the weekend. He looked at me for a moment before he looked away. He shut the locker door.

Archy sighed. "You did. I always forget about your Mom's request to stay home for family time. So what is everyone else's excuse then?"

"What do you mean by their excuses?" I asked.

"Well nobody came," Archy said slowly with embarassment, pulling out a book to shove into his bag.

That made any thoughts I had all come to a screeching halt. None of them came? That didn't sound right at all. I couldn't recall a single moment where all of us didn't come to a single event. Usually if that is the case, there is usually a good reason.

It never came down to that though.

I looked around and realized I haven't spoken to any of them since the party on Friday.

"Where are they anyways?" I asked, looking for any familiar face. Despite the hallway filled with students, none of their faces could be seen. "Have you seen Akito? He barely talked to me this weekend."

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