09: The calm before the storm

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"It's Halloween, everyone's entitled to one good scare

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"It's Halloween, everyone's entitled to one good scare." 


We won the game. 

After the Teaneck High School's football won their championship in their division, Jack immediately sent the invite to the party, including me. That was the only thing anyone could talk about for the past two days and the high school team were treated like heroes for making it to the next round of games. 

"Who is ready to party?" Annabel cheered loudly. 

 I could hear a rhythmic beat coming from one of large home. Because Asami, Annabel, and I arrived late to the party, Jack's house party was already happening. Despite being only a mere fifteen minutes late, there was already groups of students scattered around the street, all dressed in their costumes and walking towards the large home streaming different lights. 

Asami nodded absentmindedly, her eyes flickering between her phone and the street. Out of our six years of friendship have I ever seen her so quiet. Her eyes fell on my own, and a smile appeared.  

"I need to look for Devon. I can't be Little Red Riding Hood without my wolf. Then it's only half of the costume," she responded with worry, touching her red coat that matched the ends of her hair. When our eyes made contact, she gave me a tight smile that left me with discomfort. 

The smokey eye makeup she applied did not hide the bags that were flawlessly covered by lots of concealer. The truth sat on my mind that something was wrong, but she hasn't brought up anything- nor does it seem like she intends to. 

I looked at Annabel who was a few feet ahead of us, chatting about something that neither of us was listening to. 

When we are in private  I decided to myself. 

"If you say so," I said, biting back any other comment I had. Annabel turned around  to look at us and rolled her eyes. 

"I was just talking about whether my sailor look is good," Annabel repeated, gesturing to her dark blue short skirt and her white top with blue stripes. Her sailor hat contrasted with her dark brown curls. "Also trying to figure out what France is suppose to be." 

I pulled up my tambourine and gave it a shake. 

"Esmerelda," I pointed out obviously. I looked down at the costume with its obvious purple skirt and white top. Mom, like every Halloween I participated in, insisted she make the costume of my choice, which was an easy feat for her. 

I thought it would be more obvious. 

"Who is that?" Asami asked. 

I refrained from rolling my eyes. That did not appear to be the case. 

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