Chapter 9~In Her~

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It was hard to sleep.

When you finally had gotten at least an hour of sleep, it was quickly interrupted by a loud noise of frying pans being banged together.

"WAKE UP! WE'RE ALL GOING TO SCHOOL!" you heard Jinjin yell from outside your door, accompanied by a few groans of irritation from the others afterwards.

You laid flat on your bed, contemplating the events that happend last night (just not the part about you and Eunwoo making out).

That's when you finally remembered the part about Eunwoo letting you go back to school.

You jolted out of bed excited.

You were finally going back!

You grabbed the skirt you wore from the club, and the big sweatshirt Sanha have to you the first time he talked to you.

Wasting no time, you sprinted down the stairs, making your way towards the dining room.

"Morning (Y/n)!" Sanha yelled from across the table, with his mouth filled with peanut butter and jelly.

'It seemed like he forgot about yesterday.' you flinched, but found the courage to smile back.

"Good morning!" you say.

Everyone looked up from their plates to greet you (except Moonbin) and you could swear Eunwoo was watching you like a hawk, eyes glued to you.

You stood uncomfortably, "This is going to be a long day." you sighed.


After eating, you all headed inside the limo.

Compared to your mood this morning, you weren't as happy.

One of the many worries on your mind we're on how people would react if they saw you with Astro.

"Are you okay (Y/n)? You look a bit tense." MJ asked snapping you out of your mind.

You looked at the man sitting beside you, nodding.

"Just... a lot of things on my mind." you say.

"Hm?" he questions, "like what?"

"Well, first of all, do the students know you're Astro?" you asked.

It was silent for a few moments, and the members looked at each other.

Rocky sighed.

"No, most of the students just think we're just a group of jackass rich kids, so you don't have to worry about that stuff." he says, "But, however, there are certain people who know..."

"Oh..." you mumble out, and it becomes silent once again.

"Do you have any other concerns?" Jinjin asked, catching your attention.


You tried to refrain from asking anything else (because you knew, very well, how agitated they can get when you do).

Something about this situation didn't seem right, and I felt like something bad was going to happen soon.

It didn't make sense.

"Actually..." you say again,
"I don't get why you guys are letting me go back to school."

"Whay do you mean?" Eunwoo asked, in a monotone voice- although something about it made your cheeks slightly pink.

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