Chapter 23~ I Love You~

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"He has lost it.
He is planning.
He is coming.
He is here.
He is to be revealed.
He is the truth."


It was the morning after the events of yesterday and it was quite awkward. As soon as you woke up, Euwnoo went missing at your bedside. You found him at the dining table with the rest of the boys, eating food.

Before this, you contemplated whether or not you should inform the boys about your relationship with Eunwoo, but it seems they didn't need any information because as soon as you walked in everyone started giggling. They must've heard the yelling last night, or Eunwoo probably told them, but either way was embarrassing.

"You guys are too loud," Moonbin complained, to which the rest of the table agreed.

"I was trying to sleep, but all I heard was (Y/n) and Hyung whimpering all night!" Sanha said.

"I was in the garden and I still heard everything," Rocky smirked.

"Me too," Jinjin and MJ agreed.

Your cheeks flushed in humiliation, how could you guys be so carelessly loud? You rushed to sit down, taking a seat beside him.

Eunwoo glanced at you with a neutral face. You softly smiled, looking away in embarrassment. But hands wrapped around your waist and pulled your chair closer.

Eunwoo smiled innocently, "You should eat."

You nodded, quickly munching on whatever was on the plate. A hand touched your thigh, and you jumped, causing the table to shake.

Everyone looked at you.

"Jesus, do that on your own time," Moonbin muttered to you.

"This isn't a date," Jinjin said, teasingly.

You glared are him and the rest of the guys (who were laughing their asses off).

"I'm not doing anything! It's Eunwoo!" you said, "I'm never going on a date with him!"

"Agreed," Eunwoo said.

"Yeah!" you said- but then you paused, turning to him.


You looked around. The smiles slowly drifted off everyone's faces. It was like they knew something, but didn't want to tell you.

You cleared your throat, "What's happening?"

"Oh, you don't know, noona?" Sanha remarked, "Eunwoo isn't a 'date' type of person."

His statement made sense, lots actually, but it still shocked you. Knowing Eunwoo, he'd probably be the type to spend time with you but never call it a date- mainly for the sake of his pride.

What does any of it matter to you?

It shouldn't have mattered: you weren't a date type of gal yourself. This was your first legit "relationship".

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