Class 1-A competetion!?

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This would be just Class 1-A minus Min*ta reacting to (Student) singing... I just thought of it while going to school.

All Class 1-A except for the sleeping Min*ta has gathered in the common room, even Bakugou. Some people sitting on the sofa, some people are sitting on the carpet.

"Hey guys! How about we do a singing battle!" Mina said.

"Oh hell no! I'm fucking going to my room!" Bakugou barked.

"Bakugou! Language!" Iida said while chopping air to death.

"C'mon bro! You always spend your time with your bed than us! You should spend time with your classmates too!" Kirishima said.

"Tch! Like I would give a fuck." Bakugou barked.

"So~ are you scared of participating because you can't sing?~" Sero taunted Bakugou. Bakugou became pissed as he is forced to participate.

"I CAN SING! FINE! I'M JOINING THIS SHITTY BATTLE!!" Bakugou yelled. As he sat down with a scowl.

"Kacchan! Y-you could just-"

"Shut up, Deku!" Bakugou interrupted Midoriya.

"So... who agrees!" Mina asked.

"I'm bored anyways so sure.."
"Everyone! Be quiet!"
"I-uh.. it would be amazing to hear everyone sing!"
"That would be manly!"
"I mean, why not!"
"Tch.. fine.."
"I would be happy to hear everyone sing, kero."

Everyone agreed as the Singing Battle Show begins!

"So~! Who want to sing first!?" Mina announced while standing in the middle of the gathered people.

"Me! Me!" Hagakure said as she goes into the carpet or "The Stage."

"Okay everyone! Give an applause for Hagakure-chan!" Mina said.

Every applauded except for Bakugou.

"So... I would be singing a song called "I see your monsters!" Hagakure said.

"So, why is that's song?" Mina asked as everyone listened.

"Well, I thought the song is pretty cute and understandable!" Hagakure said. Everyone applauded,

"So guys! Hagakure will now sing! Please listen~" Mina said.

"Thank you!" Hagakure said as she took a deep breath and-

A beautiful voice came out from her.

I see your monsters,
I see your pain~
Tell me your problems,
I'll chase them away~
I'll be your lighthouse,
I'll make it okay~
When I see your monsters,
I'll stand there so brave,
And chase them all away~

(Few lyrics later)

"I'm done! I hope you guys like it!" Hagakure said.

"Everyone, give Hagakure an applause!"

Everyone applauded except for Bakugou. But it looks like he liked it, I guess?

"That was amazing!"
"Nice song choice! It really fits you!"
"T-that was amazing! Hagakure-san!"
"You have a beautiful voice, kero."

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