Book Suggestion

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I have over 100+ ideas so please.

And this is a memo for me as well.

Book Suggestion. Please credit me if you're going to use it.  
A villain Deku.

Deku suicides from the building as Bakugou tolds him to. But instead of joining the league. he will be found by the Chisaki himself. Chisaki makes Deku go back to his normal state from being dead but with some personality errors. Since he doesn't know him after all. 

(Errors; Being a gemaphobe, easiliy irrated, sarcastic.) [This error would make Bakugou think that Deku is a whole new person.] 

(I suggest revealing this halfway by Overhaul so it would be a twisted backstory after people thinks that Deku is not who he is in the canon. Which makes them hang on.)

Since Deku is quirkless and Chisaki thinks that quirks are disease which needs to be extinct. Chisaki will Manipulate Deku to join in as an "ideal model., by telling Deku that his clan is making the world fair for the quirkless as well. Deku is convinced and joins the clan, with a new identity by Chisaki's.  

"The Fallen Crow."


After Eri gets rescued and Overhaul's hands said "I don't feel so good," by Shigaraki, he goes to overhaul and smiled sickenly. "So... the goal has failed, huh, Mr. Chisaki." Deku said in a disappointed and sad tone. 

Deku looks at Overhaul who started to shake at a pair of green eyes, which looked twisted ever than before. "You failed and managed to lose Eri. I guess I don't need you in this world after all..."

Deku takes Overhaul's mask after it fell from his fight with (hero name) and wears it while throwing away the old one Deku was given to be "The Fallen Crow."

"Don't worry Overhaul, I'll make sure that I'll get Eri-chan back and acomplish your goal... and my goal."

(Don't misunderstand this, Deku treats Eri-chan as his little sister by bringing her apple candy secretly behind the work.)

Inspiration; Excerpt from a book written by James Alexander Throm called: The Red Heart. "The Rainbow Crow was beautiful to hear and to see, back in the days when it never got cold, back in the Ancient Days, before Snow Spirit appeared in the World.   When the Snow Spirit did appear, all the people and animals were freezing and a messenger was selected to go up to kijilamuh ka'ong, The Creator Who Creates By Thinking What Will Be. The messenger was to ask The Creator to think of the World as being warm again so that they would not all freeze to death.      

Rainbow Crow was chosen to go and he flew upward for three days. He got the Creator's attention by singing beautifully, but even though he begged the Creator to make it warm again, the Creator said He could not, because He had thought of Cold and He could not unthink it. But He did think of Fire, a thing that could warm the creatures even when it was cold. 

And so He poked a stick into the Sun until it was burning, and the gave it to Rainbow Crow to carry back to earth for the creatures. The Creator told Rainbow Crow to hurry before it burned all up. Rainbow Crow dove down and flew as fast as he could go. The burning stick charred all of his beautiful feathers until they were black and since he was carrying the stick in his beak, he breathed the smoke and heat until his voice was hoarse. 

 And so the Rainbow Crow was black and had an unpleasant cawing voice forever after, but all the creatures honored him, for he had brought Tindeh, fire, for everyone to use. The Crow is to this day, still honored by hunters and animals, who never kill it for food...and, if you look closely at the Crow's black feathers you can still see many colors gleaming in the black."

(Bakugou x Y/N)

"Vampire Chase"

A story about a vampire (Y/N), and a male werewolf (Bakugou.)

Y/N is a wanted vampire ever since her exceptional power was exposed to the King Endeavor. The regime is ordered to hunt (Y/N) in an exchange for 100,000,000 gold. She escapes the kingdom and decides to hide in the Werewolf kingdom, where she could stay for now. If a vampires ever goes in, their scent would be exposed to the wolfs. (I'll explain about this later.)

And so as she stays in the kingdom, she goes in a public library to read the legends she was "ascossiated" with. Thinking that her cover works perfectly, a carmine pair of eyes (or one of the librarians) has been suspicious of her.

Y/N's mary sue's ability,

Sun Immunity,

Mind-control (glamoring), (Camie Utsushimi is her sister if you want that)

Create other vampires, 

Inhuman Strength,

Eternal Life, (not really immortal.)


Drain Life Force, 

(The reason she is this powerful is that Y/N is a reincarnation of a self made vampire legend called Aishi. The legend turns in love for a werewolf called "Zero." As Aishi has limits, she can't fight an army of vampires herself. So she bites Zero and give him some vampire blood to make him "Half Vampire-Half Werewolf".) Clichè so please change it if you want)

The ending is like what happened to the past themselves. This will make them realize that both of them are the reincarnations of the legends "Aishi & Zero." Which will flashback of how Aishi made Zero a half vampire and half werewolf as an ending like fairytales.

Cliché? Yes.

I'll add more if I'm not lazy. :)

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