Idk tbh but this is kinda a music & BNHA?

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So, since I love music and BNHA, my bored ass decided to make this. So.. here is my reasons lol (its kinda trash, idk)

[Well, it's not like all the lyrics fit it's just some of the parts does.]

-Villain! Deku [Let you down - NF]
This could be used when he is talking with Bakugou while fighting.
This is following Canon Deku's personality.

V! Deku: "Feels like we're on the edge right now"
In this part, Deku is talking about their current relationship.

Bakugou: "I wish that I could say I'm proud"
well, in this part, Bakugou is telling something 'bout Deku is a villain now but he is disappointed that he is 'pathetic' for being one. And he might be saying this in a mocking tone because it's the start of the song and he takes it lightly.

V! Deku: "I'm sorry that I let you down, let you down..."
So, Deku is telling that he's sorry because he was weak and quirkless so That's why their relationship turned like this.

[Bakugou remains silent because of curiosity or whatever reason]

V! Deku: "All these voices in my head get loud"
This part is when the people who bullied him(specially Katsuki) voices are ringing into his head get louder and louder saying stuff like "What a dweeb like you can do!?" Or stuff. (Deku's voice cracks while saying this.)

V! Deku: "I wish I could shut them out"
Deku is telling that he wish that he could shut the voices out because it's too much for him. (He starts to cry)

V! Deku: "I'm sorry that I let you down, l-let you down"
Deku would apologize for not being enough for him. Not being enough to be acknowledged by him, not enough to be friends with him.
In the "L-let you down" part, he would burst out tears in my opinion.

V! Deku: "Yeah, I guess I'm a disappointment
Doing everything I can, I don't wanna make you disappointed—"
Deku would snap here and say that he tried his best to fit Bakugou's standards.

Bakugou: "It's annoying"
Bakugou would tell that it's annoying for Deku trying his best to fit his standards even Bakugou thinks that wouldn't happen at all. He wouldn't take this seriously, yet.

V! Deku: "I just wanna make you feel like everything I ever did wasn't ever tryna make an issue for you"
Deku would tell him when he was helping Bakugou(like the one when Baku fells from the river and Deku tried to help him) so that so he wouldn't be an issue to him.

The rap part would be like a story time of V! Deku's feelings.

Bakugou: "Yeah, I'mma just ignore you—"
Bakugou means that he just ignores him because Deku is 'pathetic'.

"Paranoia, what did I do wrong this time? That's parents for you"
[I don't about this one so lol.]

V! Deku: "Shoulda had my back, but you put a knife into my hands before, What else should I carry for you?"
At the bold part, this could be a great part to describe at the times Deku always give a hand to Bakugou but Bakugou always rejects the offer/help. (At the 'What else should I carry for you" part, I kinda don't know but what do you think?)

Bakugou: "Yeah, 'you' don't wanna make this work, You just wanna make this worse, Want me to listen to you"
Well, this part is kinda defending himself that 'Deku is making it worse, not himself.'

V! Deku: "But you don't ever hear my words, You don't wanna know my hurt, yet—"
If ya'll remember at the first episode of BNHA, there's a scene where Deku tells Bakugou to stop hurting a boy but Bakugou doesn't listen. 'But you don't even hear my words' might fit

Bakugou: "Let me guess you want an apology, probably"
Bakugou would mock Deku and ask if Deku wants to hear an apology from Bakugou but of course, the stubborn man he is, he wouldn't apologize.

Bakugou: "How can we keep going at a rate like this?"
Bakugou would ask Izuku if they still can keep going like before Bakugou got his quirk. But Bakugou would try to prove him wrong like Bakugou is saying that 'it won't happen'

[At this time, LOV have to go.]

V! Deku: "We can't, so I guess I'ma have to leave"
We all know that Deku's smart and he knows Bakugou a lot. So he gets what Bakugou is trying to prove and he is kinda agreeing with him. And since he have to leave, he would say 'so I guess I'ma have to leave.'
(He would say this bluntly and his eyes is dull.)

{Bakugou would try to grab Izuku but Izuku would pull a knife in front of his face, so Bakugou couldn't move or he will get hurt.}

V! Deku: "Please don't come after me
I just wanna be alone right now, I don't really wanna think at all"
Deku tells Bakugou that he shouldn't follow him and that he shouldn't think about it like he regret it.

Bakugou would sigh and let him go but telling him that he would turn him into the police if they met again.

[I'm dcking bored af]

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