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Andy nervously paced his room, practicing what he'd say to his parents. They'd went out along with his little sister to dinner while he stayed at home. Rye sat back on his bed watching him until he'd had enough, getting off the bed and grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Hey look at me" Rye said trying to get his attention softly grabbing his chin when he didn't. "Everything is going to be okay" Rye said staring into his eyes then leaning in to kiss his forehead. Andy closed his eyes savoring the feeling before opening them again.

He smiles at him before nodding his head. "Yeah okay everything will be fine" he says but all his confidence suddenly leaves him as he hears the front door open. "I can't do this" Andy says nervously once again. "Babe yes you can" Rye says grabbing him in his arms and pulling him into a hug.

The door opens after that revealing Andy's mom and dad. "Why're you here again" Andy's dad groans making Rye roll his eyes but stayed quiet. Andy's mom hit him on the arm telling him to behave. "Do it now" Rye says to Andy louder than intended making Andy's parents raise a brow in confusion.

"Do what now?" Andy's dad asks crossing his arms. Andy stays quiet for a second playing with his fingers for a while before gulping and clearing his throat. "I have something to tell you so please don't be mad" Andy looks back and forth to them with a pleading look.

"We'd never be mad at you honey, just tell us" his mom said reaching over to cup his cheek. Andy patted his hand then pushed it off so he could lift his shirt. He turned, pulling it all the way off and letting his wings flutter open. He snatched off the beanie on his head to show his now medium sized horns.

"I don't know what happening to me but it's been happening ever since my inner demon, Zerin, left me" Andy says then turning to see his parents reaction. They didn't look upset but rather happy. "My baby finally got his wings" his mom says hugging him tightly. His dad joins in on the hug as well squeezing even tighter.

"Wait I'm confused, why are you not freaked out?" Andy asked after they'd pulled away from the tight hug. "Well I guess you should know now huh" his dad says, leading him over to his bed making him sit and motioning Rye to sit as well.

"Me and your mother are born and raised as demons. We are demons with great power and well known in the demon world. Once we'd gotten together and got married we had you and your mother thought it'd be best for you to have a more human life" his dad explained. Andy stared at them in disbelief. All this time he'd thought they'd be freaked out by him they were actually just like him.

"Your dad of course wasn't up for the idea but he knew better than to disagree with me" his mom adds making him laugh. His mom, whether they liked it or not, always got the last word. "So we left our positions , for a while, to raise you up to believe you were normal but we couldn't make you too normal so we asked one of our personal friends to become your inner demon" he says referring to Zerin.

"He was supposed to keep you out of trouble and protect you but he only did one of those things" his dad says playfully rolling his eyes. Andy frowns a little, he really missed his inner demon. Rye grabbed his hand, squeezing it making him smile in his direction. "He's now at home living his normal life but you can meet him if you want" his dad adds making Andy's eyes light up.

"Really?" He asks smiling widely at him, his dad nodding as a response. "Thank you" he says getting up to hug him. "No problem bubs" he says to him ruffling his hair which was hard to do because of the horns. "We wanted to tell you about our lives for so long but we thought springing that on you would be too much and you wouldn't believe us because you weren't showing in signs of being a demon" his mom explains.

Andy nods because it was true, he wouldn't have believed them. It was already hard to believe that he'd had a demon living in his brain for the longest. "So is that where you guys disappear to when you have "night shifts" at work?" Andy asks. They both nod "and sometimes during the day we have to go."

"Why" Andy asks curiously. They sigh in unison "the council and some of the citizens are outraged because two of the highest most powerful demons have let their child fall in love with a mortal" His dad explains crossing his arms. "Well that's stupid" Rye says speaking for the first time since the conversation had started, crossing his arms and pouting. Andy giggles poking one of his puffed cheeks making him smile.

"I agree with you" Andy's dad says making Rye and Andy look at him with shocked faces. "Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I have anything against you for being human. I actually like the mortal world" he explains, Andy's mother nodding his head in agreement.

"Anyway the council has demanded that you either stop seeing him immediately or attend an all demon school for two days a week" his dad says making and look at him like he'd lost his mind. "We've tried you keep them away but it's either you do either of those or someone kidnaps you in your sleep" his dad says making him gasp. Andy just sighs and nods his head "okay I'll do it" he says.

"I wish we didn't have to do this but we do and we'll have to do the same thing when Amelia is old enough" his mom says sadly. Andy hoped that the council would be more lenient when his sister became of age. "If it makes you feel better, we'll invite Zerin over tomorrow so he can help you prepare" his dad says making Andy smile again and nod his head.

"Goodnight" he says kissing his forehead and moving so Andy's mom could do the same. "Night" he says watching them walk out of his room and close the door quietly. Andy let out a huge breath and turns to Rye with a relieved smile. "You did it" Rye says excitedly waving grabbing him into another hug.

"I did but too bad I have to go to another school" Andy says sadly. "Hey" Rye says grabbing his chin again making him focus on him "I'll be here waiting for you after you're done" he says smiling at him. Andy smiles at him, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him down to place a kiss onto his lips. "Thank you" he whispered, Rye smiling as his forehead still touched his "no problem babe" he whispers back placing another kiss on his lips.
If you were expecting this, you're very smart. I honestly don't know if this will be the last chapter or not 😂

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