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Quick note:

Ninis pov

*one new follower
This was normal for nini to get new followers but for some reason she felt like she had to check this time.

*one new follower: @ rickyy.bowwen
For some reason after nini read that she had a weird feeling in her stomach but she followed him back because she didn't want to be rude.

It was the next morning and she woke up to the dreadful sound of her alarm, she didn't want to get up but she new she had to. She put on some fun music to get her up in a happy mood, it was working. She was dancing while getting ready she was in a super good mood today. For some reason she was excited for school, she was sure it was just because she missed ej.

As she hopped in the car to go to school she started to get the same feeling she got when Ricky followed her but she ignored it. Once again she met up with ej, she hugged and kissed him like usual and they sat down and talked till it was time to go to class. But as she left ej she was still excited for something and she couldn't work it out, apparently seeing ej wasn't the satisfaction she needed to cure this excitement.

As she walked into to class she saw Ricky talking to ashlyn, once again she got the funny feeling. "Hey nini come sit with us" she heard a yell from ashlyn, she just smiled and walked over to them. She sat down in an empty chair infornt of Ricky, while they all waited for the teacher they talked and suddenly, she was cured from the excitement. She now realised that what she wanted was to see Ricky. "Oh no oh no oh no oh no, nonononono, I don't like Ricky I don't like Ricky" is all she could think, she can't like Ricky she likes ej right. She pushed through English and as she finished she sped right outta their. She couldn't wait to see kourtney at science, she needed to spill everything to her so she could get a second opinion.

She got to science and sat in the empty seat next to kourtney, nini obviously had a funny look on her face because kourtney looked at HER funny. "Girl what's up, you can't be walking around school looking like you just saw a ghost" kourtney said, nini just gave her a death stare "okay nah you need to tell me what's going on" then nini told her everything that happened. "Uh ok you done messed up now" kourtney said " well nosh kourtney, WHAT THE HELL DO I DO" nini yelled, the class went silent, nini was a little embarrassed. "I think that you should go with your heart, give it a couple days then see who you like better Ricky or ej, then go with that" kourtney said "ookkaaayyy I will".

Nini got home and sat on her bed, she opened her laptop and watched the new sequel to 'to all the boys I've loved before' after watching it I think she new deep down who she liked better, but she didn't want to admit it. But she decided that if really did like this person more it's better to tell them sooner than later. So she opened her phone...



Can you please meet me at the seven eleven near the school, please, in five


As she pulled up to seven eleven she sat that re thinking her choice, is she really making the right decision? is this a bad idea? Is she going to regret it? She waited about 3 minutes until a black car pulled up, she recognised that car. Then ej hopped out of the car, ej started walking upto her, he had a worried look on his face. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to act, he didn't know what to say. "Hey" she said "hi" he replied "are you alright? Why message me at like, what is it now, 10?" "I need to tell you something" she said "okayyy" "um well I've been thinking lots these past couple of days and I don't think I'm in love with you anymore" "what are you saying" "come one ej, you know exactly what I'm saying, I can't lead you on" "well, I mean-" "would you rather me lie to your face and lead you on, or make things right" "well I guess make things right, i just want you to be happy" they walked back to their cars and left, nini drove home but she wasn't crying. She almost felt happy, like this was a fresh start. She can now start something new, she told her self that tomorrow, tomorrow's the Day...

That she'll tell Ricky that she likes him.

Authors note:

Lucky you i proof read this one ha ha. Sorry this is a shorter one but I didn't want to leave you guys waiting for a new chapter. Hope that I kinda tricked you at the end lmao sorry I'm cringe. Please vote if you like this book, I'll try and update as often as possible. Love youuu x

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