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Rickys pov

Ricky was super excited to see nini again today, I mean nini, big red, ashlyn, ej, all of them basically. Luckily for Ricky his mom is staying in a hotel nearby so he doesn't have to see her everyday, it's not like he doesn't love her because he does but he just doesn't want to see her with tod. But because his mom wasn't home he was extra happy so he got ready extra quick. As usual he met up with big red and they skateboarded the rest of the way to school.

When they got to school they headed to class early because why not, when they got there nini was already there. Nini looked stressed out and a bit uncomfortable, she walked up to Ricky and big red "hey Ricky, can I talk to you for a minute" she said "sure" he answered "alone please" "umm okay". Ricky was confused, what could nini need to tell him that's so important, he couldn't think of any reasons but he just went with it.

Ninis pov

As I walked away with Ricky to tell him I began to stress out even more than I already was, I didn't know Wether I should tell him or wait. *no I have to tell him, the sooner I tell the sooner it's over and don't with*. "Well Ricky, you see the thing is-" nini was cut off to someone barging in the middle of there conversation, it was ej. Nini was very confused, then ej whispered something in rickys ear. Nini didn't know what to do but when ej walked off she continued to talk. "You see the thing is-" "umm nini I have to go sorry but it's class and I'm already running behind" then he sped off. Nini was so confused, what just happened. She knows for. A fact that he's not behind because he's a good kid and he's only been at the school for like a week.

For the rest of the day nini continued to try and tell Ricky but she couldn't, he was always busy or they'd get cut off. She didn't know what to do, she started to give up because it felt like there was no way she could tell him.

As they all walked home she wondered wether should just tell him then but she was so annoyed with not being able to tell him that shouldn't couldn't be bothered so just left it there. She told her self that she would tell him tomorrow. When she got home she sat on her bed and listened to music, she was so mad at her sled for not telling him but there was nothing she could do about it now. When all hope was lost she got a message, but it was just a message, it was a message from Ricky.

can we meet up somewhere, like soon
Umm, I guess
Okay meet me at the park down the street in 10

She was so confused, what did Ricky need to tell her, or why did he want to meet up. Was there actually a reason to meet up or did he want to hangout. She had so many questions going through her head. She grabbed the keys and chucked on a hoodie and some sneakers and drove there. As she pulled up to the park she saw Ricky sitting on the swing, waiting for her. As she walked up Ricky had a sad look on his face "are you alright Ricky" "yeah I'm fine" "okay that's good, hey umm I need to tell you something" this was the perfect moment, nothing can go wrong this is a great time to tell him. "I need to tell you something first" "okay go ahead" "you know how ej whispered to me earlier" "yeah" "well he told me something" "what did he say" "he told me that He knew I was the reason you guys broke up, he was very aggressive when he said it but what is he talking about. You guys broke up?" "Umm yeah we did last night" "oh, well what does he mean by I'm the reason" "well that's exactly it, you're the reason I broke up with ej" "what do you mean, did I do something wrong" "no you did nothing wrong, you were just you" "I still don't understand" "Ricky I like you, you're the reason we broke up because ej like you!" "What I-" "no please don't tell me you don't like me back I'd just prefer we wouldn't talk about again I'm sorry bye" nini started to slam off with tears in her eyes "WAIT" Ricky shouted she dramatically turned around "well nini you se the thing is" he started to walk towards her "nini I like you too" then they were so close, they could feel each others breath. They stared into each others eyes, nini could feel him slowly lean it and so nini did that too. Then before she knew they were kissing. Nini was so happy this is exactly what she wanted, Ricky is the perfect guy for her. When she got home she could not stop dancing she was so happy. But the. She realised,
How's ej going to react.

Authors note:
Thankyou for all the love I love you guys, this story is doing so well and I'm so happy Thankyou so much. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a week I've just been busy, also I was in a rush while rewriting this hi h means I have not proof read thi so sorry if it makes no sense. Hopefully I'll be able to update soon!!!


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