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Rickys pov

today was the day after the auditions, once the auditions for the new musical were over nini seemed a little on edge. Ricky couldn't tell exactly why she was on edge but he thought that it might be because gina was being pretty flirty to ricky all through out the auditions yesterday. ricky noticed what gina was doing as soon as she started, ricky knew that he could not do that to nini because he is a loyal boyfriend.

Time skip till Saturday

today nini and ricky went on date at a little cafe near theirs houses. The cafe had an old fashioned diner look with a new booth every couple of metres and a duke box at the end. They had some old music on which nini adored.

Ricky and nini chose one of the end booths as it had the best view of the rest of the diner. They sat next to each other and immediately read through the menu. Nini chose a vanilla milkshake and a burger, Ricky chose a chocolate milkshake, burger and fries. After Ricky glanced at nini and just adored her for few seconds, watching her beautiful eyes wonder around the cafe. Then he noticed a confused look come across nini face, then a look of disgust followed. He turned around to see what she was looking at.

Ninis Pov

"What the hell are doing here, wait no, what they hell are they doing here with each other?" Nini questioned. Gina and Ej were sitting at a 2 seater table at the front of the cafe. Nini and Ricky looked at each other and shuffled around to the other side of the booth so Gina and ej wouldn't notice them. Nini didn't want them notice them and then com up to them.

"That is really weird, I didn't think they were into each other" Ricky said in confusion.

"I don't know do you think they might be planning something" nini questioned, Ricky left out a little confused giggle.

"Ha, why would they be planning something, do you mean against us or someone else?"

"Nonono us"

"Why is, what did we do"

"Well after the cast list was put up yesterday Gina walked up to me and said I ruined it for her and it was now her turn"

"Well that's not weird at all"

"And you know ej is completely pissed that I broke up with him"

"Okay yeah they're planning something"

Nini turned around naturally to glance back at them and what she saw she could not unsee.

"Omg if they are planning something then they are really good at acting as a fake couple, if they aren't planning something then I'm confused. But wait if they are planning something why would the be a couple"

"Huh" Ricky was confused so he glanced over too.

"Omg they are totally eating each others face off" Ricky laughed then nini joined in.

Ricky and ninis food was brought over and they dug in.

"Ew I do not like cherrys, I normally ask for no cherry but I forgot" nini said in disgust.

"Ooooh I'll have it, I love cherrys" nini passed Ricky the cherry and nini just laughed when she saw the completely adorable face practically scream in excitement as if he was a little kid receiving a new toy.

"Hello guys, what a surprise to see you here" nini shuttered with the sound of the voice.

"Heyyy" nini said sarcastically while Ricky chokes on the cherry.

Ej and Gina sit across from ricky and nini. Nini could tell Ricky was a little freaked out, nini was just pissed at ej and Gina for ruining their date though.

"Umm what are you guys doing, this is Ricky and i's date you just ruined" nini said harshly. Ricky grabbed ninis hand a squeezed it under the table in hoping to calm her down because he knew she was ready to throw hands. Luckily it did work and nini calmed down a little.

"What are we not allowed to talk to our friends" ej said, while Ricky choked on a fry this time while he was stress eating.

Nini scoffed, "friends, Friends!? Are you kidding me ej, are you listening to yourself" Yet again Ricky squeezes her hand and just looked at her.

"Umm nini why don't we leave, mom wants me home soon anyway"

"umm yeah sure let's go." Nini gave one last death stare at Gina and ej "Thankyou so much, lovely to meet you assholes" and Ricky and nini walked out after paying.

Rickys pov

Ricky and nini got into rickys car and just sat there for a minute. Ricky turned his body so he was facing nini. He looked at her a for a minute with a concerned look.

"Are you alright, babe?" Nini just nodded.

"I'm just so annoyed, they could've ruined any other date and they just happened to ruin our first one" Ricky felt horrible, like it was his fault, when he knew it wasn't.

"Well you'll be glad to know that I lied and my mom doesn't actually care when I get ho e so we can go do something else!"
Nini looked at Ricky and smiled.

"Maybe we can go to the movies, I'm sure there's something we can watch, and I'll pay" Ricky said desperately trying to cheer nini up.

"Yeah sure that sounds like funny, maybe they won't have ruined our first date at all!" Nini grinned ya the thought and the headed to the movies.

Nini and Ricky decided to watch the to all the boys sequel (ik this isn't in cinemas but I couldn't think of another movie) although it wouldn't have been rickys first choice, he didn't really care as long naps nini was happy. Nini and Ricky chose the back seats because they didn't want an surprises creeping up behind them. As the movie started Ricky felt nini slowly lean on his shoulder her head cuddling into his neck. Ricky the. Rested his head on her and the held hands, rickys was happy.

Once the movie was over Ricky and nini left hand in hand. It was still around three and Ricky didn't really want to go home. They hopped into the car.

"Do you want go home or do you want to go somewhere else?" Ricky asked.

"Nah I don't want to go home" nini answered.

"Okay so where do you want to go, we could go to the shops, or I could teach you to skate, I have my skate oars in the trunk"

"Ooh or we could go to the shops and get like chips and candy and then go to the skate park and we can have a little picnic while you teach me to skate."

"Okay sounds good" *todays turning out to be one of the best days* Ricky thought to himself.

They went to target and grabbed so lays chips, different sorts of candy and some coke. Ricky also grabbed a big fluffy blanket and two pillows. If he wanted this to be a good day he wanted to go all out. Ricky and nini split the amount they paid for the food and Ricky bought the blanket and pillows.


sorry it's taken me so long for me to update, I haven't been the best mentally so I've just been focusing on friends family and school but I'm back. And quarantines got me bored so hopefully that means I'll update more regularly. This is one of my longer chapters, I wanted it to be longer because it's been a month since I last updated. I hope you like this one, make sure you comment ideas.
Wc: 1292

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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