The soiled dove

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Chapter 1

What did I do wrong to end up here. In this hell hole this place what makes me feel empty inside. This place that I'm just there. I have no purpose. I feel dead like nothing, no one could save me. I'm trapped. And even if I could find a way out what will I do? I'm just a piece of junk what men kick around have some fun and then force me back into the dump where I will stay for the rest of my life.

Though it never used to be like this I was a proper girl in a proper home with a mum and dad. My mother and father would always say if I was a good little girl nothing would go wrong. Well they also used to say that God would never leave me. Well, look where I am now. I'm in a godforsaken place, a brothel, giving men what they ask for. Ya right, he would never leave me.

I used to wonder that day I was kidnapped and my mother and father were killed, why God had let this happen to me. But I was smart enough to realise that the answer was very simple. There was no God there was nobody left in this world who cared about me. There was no hope. Hope is the last thing I want it eats away at you, it brings you pain, pain so dreadful you can not bear it. All I need to do is survive and that's hard enough without hope and love. love, most of all, is a curse.

My thoughts are interrupted as master walks in. The expressions on his face scares me, but I try to ignore the fear and not show it I can't let him see it or he will use it against me. He laughs that laugh, oh that dreadful laugh. He's seen it, the fear. He watches my every move as I get out of the bath, his eyes pitch black. I wish I could find a way out, out of this place, out of this life.

"Ah. my little flower, is becoming a beautiful harlot" he spat out that word, harlot, harshly. Reading my thoughts he says, " I'm so pleased that u know there is no way out, Delphie." It's true I'm going to be trapped here for the rest of my life. There is a window but it's bared, the door is always locked and when someone is in here there's that guard, and if I refuse to give the master what he wants he beats me. He beats me either way though he must enjoy hearing pain. I hear him when he is with the other girls when he leaves there room, he waits outside their door waiting for them to cry, and if they don't he goes back in there and beats them some more.

" Come hear!" master demands. I stair at the floor still consumed with my thoughts. When I realise I was summoned a walk to him provocatively, like usual. Once I reach him I am greeted with a harsh slap across the cheek. Tears start to well in my eyes but I hold them back. I hate giving this man what he wants and he knows it, he knows I hate him.

He kicks me onto the bed and does his deed and leaves. I lay there shocked, no matter how many times it happens to me I still lay in the bed with tears welling in my eyes, asking myself, why? Why are the such cruel men in this world? Why did I ended up here? Why me?

I lay there for another ten minutes. Then put on my satin and lace, scarlet frock. I hate this dress, because master makes me wear it to make me look more alluring. Someone knocks at my door, it's the guard, he yells for me to hurry up and head down for supper. he opens the door while I'm tying up my hair, I glare at him. He grips my arm and almost drags me out of my room and down the stairs into the dining room, where the other girls sit.

The drinks are brought out and they all snatch the bottle from the table. The majority of the girls drink to forget, I once heard the Irish harlot , Willow , say to May Lee that she wish she were dead and the only thing that stops her from ending herself, was alcohol. Tears started to form when I over heard that. But every girl here has her own story on how they came to this dead end in life, whether it be better or worst than my own.

The laughter and drunken words carried on for a while, until Willow says "hey Delphie, why don't you drink?" The room goes silent, why I'm not entirely sure. "I'm to young and I don't like the taste." I answer softly. The room again fills with laughter. "No one is to young to drink when they are in your predicament." The oldest harlot manages to slur out. It doesn't matter what they say because when I was eight I promised myself two promises. One never drink and two only sleep with my husband. Well rule two is already broken so I don't intend on breaking rule one.

As I sit there day dreaming I notice a silent figure in the corner of the candle lit room. She has tears running down her face, and she has a bruise across her cheek, probably from master. Her wavy blonde hair covers her pail face. She looks shocked, similar to what I looked like after master left me.

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