19. On the Way to Jin

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Xue Han and Hong Chao kneeled in front of the missing prince while the general introduced them to the prince. No wonder, nobody managed to find the prince all these time as the figure before them was more like a farmer. His hair was messy and the robe he was wearing dirty and old.

"Congrats, you found me," the prince said coldly.

"We salute the majesty," Xue Han said respectfully.

Hong Chao decided not to say a word and let Xue Han do the talking.

"So, what do you want from me?"

"Your majesty needs to come to Jin for the throne otherwise Xue and Hong will ruin the country."

The prince laughed wholeheartedly, "you are suspiciously considerate about the well-being of the country," he pointed to them to rise from the ground, "but I really don't care about the throne or the country."

Hong Chao opened his mouth but Xue Han stopped him. "Your majesty please, it is your responsibility and right to rule the country."

"I don't want to. My father sent me away and never came to see me," he looked towards Jin as if he could see it, "I hope the entire country disappears."

"What?!" Hong Chao shouted while Xue Han was lost in thoughts.

"You heard me, if that's all, go back."

Hong Chao wanted to leave but Xue Han stopped him. "You are the only hope of the country, even if you feel betrayed, it is your responsibility to protect your people. Don't you at least feel responsible for An Clan you are living in?"

The prince looked at the general, then turned his gaze on Xue Han "will you grant all of my wishes if I agree to come with you?"

"Yes," Xue Han replied immediately. Hong Chao didn't say anything.

The prince sighed, "would you kill yourself if I asked you to?"


"No way!" Hong Chao interrupted Xue Han. He stood up and pulled Xue Han as well, "we wanted you to come in order to prevent bloodshed not to contribute to it! It is fortunate that you don't want the throne!" He pulled Xue Han towards the door.

"Wait!" The general stopped them.

The duo looked back at the general.

"You passed the test. I will come with you," the general clapped his hands.

Looking at the general, they finally understood that the missing prince, Jin Guang was actually the general!


The next day, Jin Guang with his one hundred soldiers joined Xue Han and Hong Chao to go to Jin. The rest of the soldiers with the fake prince sent to Jin from a different path for deception. It was almost seven-day of a journey so they had to be prepared well for any kind of situation.

Although Jin Guang was quite nervous about the journey and seeing his father again (if the king manages to stay alive for another seven days), he tried to be good-humored for his soldiers' sake.

Living with An Clan for almost all his life, Jin Guang was very easy-going and Hong Chao and Xue Han were glad for that. Still, living all his life under his indifferent facade to hide his fears and sadness, Xue Han was the only one who noticed the anxiety under Jin Guang's smiling mask. Therefore, he was the only one who offered silence to the prince.

Late at night, when everybody was asleep, Xue Han was sitting with the prince in front of the fire, giving him a silent companion. He never asked anything or tried to chat with him. The prince was so grateful for his understanding but still he felt so sorry for Xue Han, living in so much unspoken hardship.

Hong Chao also tried his best to support the prince but as he had no ability to stay silent more than five minute, he used his own tactics. During the day, when they were on the way, he was constantly teasing the prince.

The more they were getting closer to Jin, the more nervous Jin Guang got. Afraid that he might give up the throne and go back, Hong Chao went near the prince, fixing his gaze to his face, "actually, you are very handsome. I bet you will be the most handsome king the country ever saw!"

He was telling the truth as Jin Guang had a really handsome face and a well-defined muscular body, and the prince was also aware of it but still, hearing this all of a sudden made him laugh.

"Indeed, I am extremely handsome. Also, yellow suits me very well," he said, laughing. Then, he stopped and fixed his dark eyes to Hong Chao. Looking at him for a second, he added, "I am glad you didn't want to be the king with that ugly face of yours."

It was Hong Chao's turn to chuckle, even Xue Han smiled.

"You are just jealous, your majesty," he said before moving forward to lead the way.


At the end of the fourth day, Jin Guang was completely convinced that he could trust Xue Han and Hong Chao. Therefore, when Hong Chao asked him about the reason why he didn't go back to Jin after learning his father was deadly sick, he answered honestly. He admitted that he wanted to go back to Jin as soon as the news arrived to An but his mother sent a letter to him, asking not to come so he had to stay in An.

Although the prince tried really hard to conceal his resentment, Hong Chao saw it. He smiled at Jin Guang, "so it is true that the king loves you the most."

Jin Guang couldn't follow his way of thinking, "what do you mean?"

Hong Chao shrugged, "he hid you in a safe place while waiting for Xue ZhaoZe and Hong Nu to kill each other."

Jin Guang laughed with satisfaction while Xue Han rolled his eyes to Hong Chao's logic although he was smiling inwardly.

Jin Guang turned around to look at Xue Han, "can you find me the map of Jin? I don't remember to whom I handed it."

Xue Han nodded affirmatively and went back to ask the soldiers. When Xue Han was far enough, Jin Guang turned to Hong Chao, "what is the thing you want from me after I become the king?"

Hong Chao froze, hearing an unexpected question.

Jin Guang patted his back, "I can easily say that Xue Han has no wish other than peace but you certainly want something, tell me."

There was no need to play dumb so Hong Chao answered honestly, "your half-brother, Xue ZhaoZe," he looked at Jin Guang in the eye, "I want your majesty to give him to me."

The prince's eyes widened, "so you want revenge," he looked at Xue Han who was still searching for the map, "does he know that?"

Hong Chao nodded, "he was the one who prevented me from killing Xue ZhaoZe," he also looked at Xue Han's direction, "I don't want him to intervene again so I am asking your majesty."

Jin Guang rubbed his eyes, "you guys have a really interesting relationship," then he added, "I won't stop you to kill Xue ZhaoZe as I hate that bastard just like you. He is unworthy to rule Xue Clan." He stopped again to look at Hong Chao, "how about Hong Nu? Is he worthy to rule Hong Clan? Should I give him to Xue Han-"

"Give me who, your majesty?" Xue Han was standing behind them with the map in his hand.

Hong Chao sweared inwardly while the prince kept his cool, "Hong Nu. I am planning to give him to you so that you can avenge your father."

Xue Han shook his head, "I don't want revenge," he looked at Hong Chao straight in the eye, "so you still want to kill my uncle."

Hong Chao didn't want to argue in front of the prince but it had already started. "Yes, I will kill him as I told you before," he grabbed Xue Han's arm and looked at him with fire in his eyes, "but not only for avenging my father."

Jin Guang immediately understood what Hong Chao meant. During those four days, he noticed that Hong Chao was never leaving Xue Han alone nor letting him do anything physically hard. He also spotted that Xue Han was limping slightly but he never thought it was Xue ZhaoZe's doing.

This revelation made him super angry, looking at Hong Chao, "I will think about your request later," he said although he already made his mind to give permission for it.

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