22. Meeting with the Queen

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With the help of Jin soldiers, Xue and Hong were defeated soon. Jin soldiers took care of the battlefield and the gate of Jin closed again. By that time, the other troops of An Clan also arrived at Jin palace through the other gate. They had been blocked by Hong soldiers at the back gate of Jin and unfortunately, most of them died, including the soldier pretending to be the king. After the duplicate died, Hong soldiers retreated victoriously and the remaining An soldiers saved.

After the battle, with the queen's command, everybody on the prince's side were welcomed to Jin palace. The main hall soon turned into the infirmary for the injured soldiers. After being sure that the soldiers had everything they needed, the queen excused herself and her son, and took her son to the king's room to make up the time they lost as a family.

Looking behind the queen and the prince, Hong Chao pretended to wipe his tears, "we saved a family, sugar!" He patted Xue Han on the shoulder, "I told you it was a good plan."

Xue Han patted Hong Chao's dislocated arm and made him scream with pain, "you are injured but still joking around."

Hong Chao clasped his arm, "can't help, I would die if I get serious," he said while grinning.

Xue Han rolled his eyes and moved forward.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Hong Chao yelled behind him, "help me to put it back!"

"Sit still and wait," was the only reply he got.

A few minutes later, Xue Han came back with the necessary materials to treat his wounds, making Hong Chao's heart happy.


For the dinner, Xue Han and Hong Chao were invited to the queen's table which was full with food and drinks to celebrate the prince's return. The king was missing on the table as he was too sick to leave the bed.

During the dinner, the queen thanked Xue Han and Hong Chao many times for their contributions and bringing her son back. She was very polite towards them but Xue Han could sense her suspicions under the mask of politeness.

"Your majesty, you can ask us anything you would like," Xue Han said softly, "we will answer honestly as long as we know the answer."

The queen smiled at both of them. These two young men are quite astonishing, she thought. As Xue Han already gave her the initiation, she didn't hold back and asked them to tell her everything, starting from their first encounter.

So, Xue Han gave her a brief summary while Hong Chao was just nodding as usual. Both the queen and the prince listened to him with a great interest, without interrupting.

After Xue Han finished his words, the queen said "you bore lots of difficulties and overcame them together for our country, thank you," then added, "now tell me what your wishes are."

Like mother, like son, Xue Han thought. None of them believed their sincerity. He took a deep breath, looking straight into the queen's eyes, he said "I just peace, that's all," while inwardly adding you can't give me what I want.

"I want to reveal the real story behind our dad's death," Hong Chao said suddenly. He felt Xue Han got tense next to him so he held his hand under the table, giving him comfort. To his surprise Xue Han didn't retract his hand.

The queen's eyes were wide open, "so there is really another story behind their deaths..." She looked at her son and Jin Guang nodded slightly, showing his support. Then she said "you have our permission to do so. Tell us what you need."

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