Impending Doom

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Author's note:

So, I'm not sure when this chapter will be uploaded- next time I have WiFi I guess-, but for now I'd just like to comment on the amount of readers. The story is past 5000 now, and past 200 votes. I'm really not sure why- I'm just starting to write stuff and I have no problems admitting I'm not very good at it- but thanks a lot to everyone.

On another note, there will be some triggers in this chapter. I didn't put in warnings, because honestly it's a little difficult to say where exactly it starts, and also it's more than half of the chapter. The triggers are mostly stuff to do with having an anxiety attack or a mental breakdown, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, I'll put a short summary of this chapter at the end so you don't have to read through the triggering stuff.

Disclaimer: I don't own the HP universe.


Because he knew most, if not all secret passages through Hogwarts, Harry had no problem catching up with his fellow students on their way to Potions class. He was, in fact, one of the first ones to arrive at the classroom.

With a small smirk on his face, he leaned against the wall. None of the others dared to approach him once they arrived so he remained standing by himself, mildly amused by their apprehension.

Exactly on time, Snape came storming past them and opened his classroom with a loud bang.

Harry, mildly exasperated by his teacher's flair for dramatics, followed at a leisurely pace. With him, the rest of the class came in as well and soon the benches were filled. It was a Ravenclaw-Slytherin class, and Harry was rather looking forward to it.

Snape stood in the front of the gloomy classroom, straight-backed and with a severe look on his face. He started by asking for attendance.

'Susan Bones?'

The girl smiled nervously. 'Present.'

Snape sneered and went on with the list.

It was not long until Pansy Parkinson -present!- was called. After that, Snape let an almost unnoticeable pause fall.

'And then Hadrian Potter... our newest celebrity...'

Harry, with only a small tick in his eye, smiled serenely and replied with an affirmative answer. It seemed like his Occlumency would be a very good boon for the next hour-and-a-half.

Snape sniffed disdainfully and went on to the next person. Going through the list at a quick pace, he was done soon. Rolling up his scroll, he focused back on Harry.

'Tell me, mister Potter... What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?'

Harry smirked. He'd seen that coming from miles away.

'Well sir, let me start with this. First of all, I am neither a replica of my mother -Draco snorted quietly- or my father. Thus, I know what you mean, and though I appreciate the thought, I could hardly care less. Secondly, I'm sure we discussed those precise flowers just short of a month ago.

'But I'm sure that wasn't the answer you were looking for, so the textbook would say that the two ingredients  would make a drought so powerful, it is known as the "drought of the sleeping dead".'

Snape, thrown off track, blinked. Looking at the rest of the students, most of whom were openly gaping at Harry, he sniffed.

'Well?' He enquired bitingly, 'why aren't you writing this down?'

The students scrambled to write down what Harry had said. Amidst of all the furiously writing students, Harry sat straight, looking mildly challenging at Snape. The man in question glared back fiercely until Harry carelessly averted his eyes and, with a flick of his wand, showed the instructions for the potion they were supposed to make.

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