An Escape Most Puzzeling

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Author's note:
Sooo sorry for the wait to, you know, the ten people who are gonna read this ;). In al seriousness though, I really do wish I didn't have to keep you guys waiting, but I was in a place with no computers, internet or WiFi. So yeah, it was kinda hard to update. Anyways, I'm pretty happy with how this chapter turned out (someone beta-d it for me so I'm slightly more confident in the spelling) and I hope you enjoy it.

Also, triggering stuff directly at the start!!! Please don't read it if you don't like that kind of stuff. I'll put up mentions.

Disclaimer: if I owned Harry Potter, he'd be dark by book three. But he isn't and the HP universe still belongs to the talented JK Rowling and Warner Bros. I think.


*Warning! Graphic pain and mention of death!*

The moment Elias was released from the stupify, his Occlumency began to crumble. He could feel his emotions slipping, feelings coming to the front of his mind. It was excruciating. He was determined not to scream though. Clenching his teeth, he curled up into a ball as memories were ripped through his mind and emotions ran rampant.

It was like nothing he had ever felt before. The fundaments of his mind were shaking with strain and emotions lashed into his psyche like whips. It was like someone forcefully digging into his mind, breaking memories and ripping apart thoughts, but then times a thousand.

And then something broke. He screamed. It was a horrifying scream, and only the first in a series spanning out for over three hours.

Elias writhed on the ground, ripped at his hair and ground his teeth together... nothing helped. Nothing elevated the all encompassing pain tearing through the very core of his being.

When he, however fleetingly, was able to think even a single thought, he wished for death- for rest, after this torturous hell. Those moments though, were only few, far apart. Mostly, he couldn't think. Having to rely on his primal brain to keep his body functional, his consciousness was shed to pieces and his thoughts were sporadic.

He found himself staring at the grey of the dungeons for ages, trying to ride out the anguish. He clenched and unclenched his hands, just to feel them. He felt the cold of the cell going through his bones.

*end graphic pain*

He must have lain there for hours before he stood on quivering legs, sore from spasms and the intense strain he had put his body under. Admitting that standing may not be a good idea just yet, Elias sat back down.

After a moment's hesitation, he decided to check his mindscape for damage. Retreating back into himself, he first surveyed his outer shield. It seemed fine. That was good.

Sliding through it into his actual mind, he started for a moment. It was nothing like how it was before. Nothing like how he had imagined it either. Looking around, he slowly developed a big grin on his face- one that he hadn't worn in more than a year. Whether the grin appeared because of actual joy or temporary mania remained the question, but Harry didn't dwell on that for to long.

His mindscape had become a work of art. Whereas he previously had had selected places to store memories, emotions, ideas, and so on, it was nothing like that now.

Right past his first mental shield, there was a gigantic tornado-like structure. All thoughts, emotions, feelings- everything was intertwined. It was brilliant, actually.

Had the pain been worth it? Definitely not. But Elias had to admit that this type of mindscape, one he had never seen before, was truly incredible.

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