Strange Men

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Author's note:
All right. Just wanted to say thanks for all the support the story's getting right now. Like seriously, it's crazy. So yeah, thanks for it. In this chapter there's a tiny, tiny mention of implied rape, so if you're squeamish about stuff like that; be warned. It's not a lot though so I think you'll be fine.

Disclaimer: "day 176 of surgical implants to look more like JKR. It seems that no matter how much I try, there's no way she'll hand me over the copyright." <- that's my obscure way of saying I don't own this stuff.


After an amusing talk with the other Slytherins, Harry retreated up to bed. He had some stuff to deal with concerning Elias' paperwork, and would rather do that in the safety of his dorm.

Finishing that off quickly, he simply went to sleep. It wasn't often that he got a full nights rest.

Early the next morning, he was up and about again. As he couldn't sleep very well, he snuck in a quick training session in the Room of Requirements before breakfast. It was easy to slip back into the multitude of people that was the main way towards the great hall.

Some quick smiles, casual words, and maybe a tiny bit of manipulation later, everyone at the Slytherin table had been placated about where he had been. Breakfast went quickly, and soon it was time for the first lesson of the day.

It was Potions, which had turned into one of the most tense classes Harry had, thanks to his little idea he had had whilst talking to Snape. Sure, the classes were still the same, but the man kept sending Harry glances when he thought Harry didn't notice. Harry, who had always been a little creeped out by the guy even though he had come to respect him, tried his best to ignore it. Unfortunately, the only way he could was by using a healthy dose of Occlumency, which wasn't something he liked doing very much.

With the Occlumency though, the lesson passed quickly, and Harry was soon underway to his next class.

That went on for the rest of the day, as it usually did, until Harry came to his last class of the day- Defense Against the Dark Arts by Q- Q- Quirrell. Or so he had been called by most of the students.

After that grueling lesson passed, Harry made to leave when he was approached by the man himself.

'P- Potter? Please stay be- behind for a moment?' The Professor stuttered.

Harry stopped and sighed softly to his friends, giving them a long-suffering smile.

'Go, guys. I'll handle it.'

A raised eyebrow from Daphne and a scoff from Draco was all he got for his efforts, but they did leave. Harry turned back to Quirrell and leaned against the closest table, raising an eyebrow. He kept it respectful though- no sense in getting a detention over such a petty thing as annoying Quirrell.

'Yes, Professor?'

Quirrell gave Harry a little, nervous smile. 'Ah, mister P- Potter. You're not in t- trouble, don't worry-' Harry let a small, relieved smile slip onto his face whilst internally wondering how long he would be able to go without killing the guy, '-but I was wondering if I could ask you some things. Just out of curiosity.'

Harry internally smirked. Quirrell was slipping again. The stutter, definitely meant for looking harmless, was falling away. 'Of course, sir. What are your questions?'

'Ah nothing really important... how are you coping with school? You're getting perfect grades, but how is your social life? Slytherins can be quite difficult sometimes.'

And didn't Harry know that... 'I'm doing quite fine, thank you. My friends are very nice, and I'm not getting much trouble at all from the other Slytherins.' Because those that would give him trouble, were ordered to lay off by bossman back on the Dark side.

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