Chapter 1: Warnings And Worries

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Lottie found herself in a completely dark place in some kind of rusty thing with a screen on it. It looked a bit like the Grimbler, but it didn't at the same time. She peeked through the window, and saw Xuli floating in the air, looking rather puzzled. Why and how, neither of them knew. Then a cold metal ring appeared around Xuli's leg. She peered down to see what it was, but it was pitch black, so neither of them could see any more of it.

And the air. That was another thing that seemed to be bugging her. Instead of fresh oxygen, it felt rather weird. Or at least according to what Lottie thought Xuli was trying to say. Neither of them had any idea what was going on, until they saw the sun's rays appearing above them. It shone down on the cold thing, revealing it to be a long chain. Xuli tugged at it, but it wouldn't budge.

She looked back up at the sun, and its light coming through...waves?

And was the Grim Sub!?

Then suddenly everything clicked into place.

They were underwater.

Xuli instantly tried to cough out the water and yanked the chain repeatedly to try and break free. But just like a few seconds ago, it was stuck in the seabed.

Then, from out of nowhere, a large tree came crashing down on her head and knocked her out cold.

The cadet woke up, clutching her pillow and gasping for breath. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was only a dream. She hoped.


"Wake up, Go Jetters!" Ubercorn's voice rang through the Academy Dome, waking everyone up. Usually Ubercorn would be cheery, but today, he was more serious than ever.

"Today you all gotta do lots and I mean lots of training. Last night may have terrible consequences. Lars and his cadets will help me set up a computer up on the top of the cliff and will be joined by Foz and his cadets while fixing JetPad. The rest of you will start training for emergency evacuation should anything happen. Foz, Kyan, Xuli and Lars, report to the Training Dome asap."

Kyan, Xuil and Lars jumped out of their bedrooms right away and ran to Ubercorn. Foz was lagging behind because of the whole wall thing. He was still feeling a bit woozy.

Eventually, he managed to catch up with them at the Dome. "Sorry, Ubercorn," he began, "but I crashed into a wall earlier this morning because it was so dark, and I've had a bit of a headache ever since." "Huh, and I thought that usually happened to me!" blurted Kyan.

"It's OK, Foz. I don't blame ya." Ubercorn gently put a hoof on his shoulder. He smiled at him in return. Then the unicorn returned to his normal posture and continued "I came to talk to you about the damage caused by the earthquake last night and how you'll have to adapt to it.

"The doors wouldn't even open, so I was forced to bust my way in. I eventually made it inside, and the Vroomster was in pieces. It'll take days to fix it. Two of JetPad's engines were busted too, so that eliminates flying the cadets up. Although we will be doing as much as we can to fix them, it'll be unlikely that we'll be able to finish before something bad happens. The best place to be would be on the cliff overlooking the site of the former Glitch Castle. Lars, I need you to get as many solar panels as possible so we can keep the connection up just in case we need help."

"Righty-ho, Ubercorn!"

"Foz, I need you to help Lars as much as you can, picking the best spots for the solar panels and so forth."

"Sure, I guess."

"Xuli and Kyan, start training the cadets for emergency exit."

"OK, Ubercorn."

Xuli turned around, only to find that Kyan had already left. She just rolled her eyes fondly at the door and wondered how far ahead he was.

"Oh, and before you go, Go Jetters, you will all be doing patrols in turn to look out for anything dangerous or suspicious."


Tala was really worried. Yes, the concept of a natural catastrophe was scary, but there was also something else that was worrying her. And that was the fact that Glitch hadn't been seen anywhere around the Academy. He wasn't at breakfast. He wasn't by the cliff, grumbling about the so-called "No Jetters". There were no Grimbots occasionally interrupting the training.

This is very strange. she thought as she stared off into the distance. Her eyes were focused on the horizon, looking out for any familiar moustaches.


Tala was caught off guard. She whirled around to find one of the cadets staring at her with an angry expression on his face, part of his ginger hair falling over his face.

"Aren't yer meant to be trainin' with either Kyan or Xuli?"

"Oh, right. Sorry, I was just a bit distracted. Where are they?"

"In the dome. And yer missed like, 'alf of it." the Australian finished. Tala quickly ran to the Training Dome, and sure enough, Kyan, Xuli and most of the cadets were there. She heard the pilot congratulating the cadets after a successful run. Kyan was half-concentrating on the training, but he seemed to be in another world, his eyes fixed on Xuli. Such a loverboy, thought Tala.

But her thoughts were interrupted when he ran smack-bang-wallop into another cadet. They both collapsed on the floor, rubbing their heads and groaning.

Tala couldn't help but giggle at Kyan's clumsiness. He quickly shot a glare at her, and slowly got up.

Xuli's POV:

I was just heading down into the Dome, congratulating the cadets for the wonderful job they did, when I heard a crash. I whipped my head round and saw Kyan and one of his cadets on the floor, groaning as they got up with Tala giggling in the corner. Kyan gave her a cold glare, and oh, if looks could kill... I looked back at the cadets, who were all looking very tired, but one of them didn't look so good.

"OK cadets, I think you deserve a break. Go do whatever you want, as long as you don't stop the others from working." I announced. They started to disperse, but I grabbed the arm of the one that looked a bit off. I said "We need to talk."

The cadet looked a little worried that I was going to tell her off for getting something wrong, but instead I whispered "You don't look so good. Is something bothering you?"

The redhead looked into my eyes, took a deep breath and told me about a nightmare she had last night. At the end, she was trembling so much, she almost couldn't stand up. I reassured her, saying "Hey, it's fine. If there is a tsumani or something, we'll all be on the top of the cliff just watching it go by."

I may have looked calm, but deep down, I was terrified. Lottie was right. It could happen - well, I highly doubt the chain would fit in, but still, it might not just happen to me, it might happen to anyone - even Kyan.

I just hoped nothing too bad was going to happen.

Well, you're wrong, Xuli - something terrible will happen - and no, you were right, the chain doesn't fit in, but the nightmare is a precursor of what might happen! You know what, from now on, I'm not going to write a whole summary about the chapter, but just one or two sentences. See you all when I publish the next one!

-December "Winter" Winterwolf

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