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"I still can't believe you turned her down." Vanessa says.

It's been a week since I let her talk to me into a night out, and this is what I've heard everyday since. "You know I have no room in my life for more complications."

"Complications," she scoffs. "I didn't say marry the girl, just get back on the horse so to speak, and trust me if he's anything like his friend, you really, really wanna ride the horse." She winks.

"I'm good thanks," I say rolling my eyes.

"I'm worried about you."

"Vanessa, I'm good. My days are full right now, and I'm okay with that. I have a plan. I need to finish school. I want better than this." I motion to the room with my hand. Vanessa and I both work at Frank's. It's a swanky upscale restaurant here in Miami, Florida. It's good money, but the nights and weekends are grueling. Add school and family obligations on top of that and well, there isn't much time for anything else.

"I know you do. We both do. Your working yourself to the bone trying to do it all on your own."

"And what choice do I have in that?" I snip. I don't mean to be short with her, but she knows how crazy things are for me right now.

"Look, Camila, I'm sorry. Your the strongest, most dedicated person I know. I just want to see you happy."

"And you think hooking up with some random girl at the bar who claims to be a professional soccer player will make me happy?"

"What do you mean 'claims to be?' They are." She informs me.

"You've got to be kidding me. Don't tell me you fell for that line?"

"Babe, I hate to break it to you, but you're wrong on this one."

"Hey Camila, I just seated a party of four in your section," Hailey, the hostess, informs me.

It's been a slow night so far, so I'm thankful for something to do to get away from Vanessa's inquisition. "Thanks, Hailey. As for you"- I point at my best friend,- "don't fall for every line they tell you."

She laughs." Go get your drink orders, by the time you come back, I'll have proof." She holds up her phone.

"Don't you have a table to serve or something?"

"Nope. I'm gonna sit right here and get my proof ready."

Shaking my head, I head towards my table of four. I block out my conversation with Vanessa and I place a smile on my face." Welcome to Frank's. I'm Camila. I'll be your server," I say while flipping my order pad to a clean page to take their drink orders. When I look up, my smile falters just a little before I catch it and correct myself.

"Hey, Camz." Lauren smiles up at me. "Fancy meeting you here." Her grin is infectious.

"Good to see you again," I say, then glance at the other three guys. They're all built and hot as hell. "Max." I smile at him. "Tonight we have spare ribs." I go on to tell them the speacial of the day ignoring my rapidly beating heart. "Can I start you off with drinks?" I start from my right to left, ending with Lauren." Take your time looking over the menu. I'll be right back with your drinks." Slowly, I turbans walk away. Once I'm out of their sight, I rush to the back room where Vanessa and I were taking our break. Leaning my head back against the wall, I close  my eyes and will my heart to slow. What are the chances of her showing up here?

"Hey take a..." She trails off when she sees my face. "What's up?"

"Oh you know, nothing except Lauren, Max, and two other guys who are disturbingly just as gorgeous are my table of four."

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