Chapter 24: The Metal Man

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Jiritsu Fortress, Jiritsu

Waking up with Tomomi by his side was a feeling like no other for Takumi. While technically not allowed, no one had caused a fuss. He suspected that members of Nisshoku were probably also sleeping with the maids, but this was not like that. Tomomi made him feel alive in a way that was so much more than just sex. Maybe this was love.

"Good morning." Tomomi whispered, running her hand over his chest.

"Good morning," he replied. "Nice hair."

She tousled her hair, turning her bed-head into a bird's nest. Her black-lined eyes were smudged, her lipstick smeared and faded, a beautiful mess.

"How about now?" she asked. "Better, worse?"

"Oh, perfect. I hope the style catches on."

She giggled, resting her head on his shoulder.

It was around sunrise, according to the roosters at least. Normally, Tomomi would sneak back out when the crowing started, freshen up and get back to work tending to her duties in the castle. Today was her one day off a week.

Nisshoku was a full-time occupation, but as far as Takumi knew, there were no plans set for today. Taisho had sent out his team to the mountains down south on the subcontinent and was awaiting word. Shirono, Chikuroshi, Orojidai and Akiraoni were all missing from daily life and the routine felt skewed without them.

After choosing to cuddle under the sheets for a while, Takumi helped Tomomi tie her obi so she could head back to her family's assigned house to change into casual clothes. No one but the cooks should be up this early, so she could tiptoe home without running into anyone. She kissed his cheek goodbye and he watched her hurry down the garden path to the family homes.

Takumi tried to close the sliding door slowly but much to his chagrin, Tasetsumoto's door flew open like a stage curtain and he stood, poised as if he had been waiting there some time already.

"Hello, lover boy." he cooed, tossing his long tresses over his shoulder. "You need to be more careful."

Takumi resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"No one sees anything," Takumi answered. "And no one seems to mind either."

"That's not what I mean." Setsu replied. "You need to be more careful with that girl. She's not a Collector. If you knock her up, you might end up having human kids."

Takumi paused, taken aback.

"...Why does that matter?"

"Listen, kiddo." his mentor said, rubbing his forehead. "I think you'll save yourself a lot of grief in the future if you stick with people like yourself. It's for the greater good that we don't reproduce with non-Collector humans.

"But we wouldn't be hurting anyone!" Takumi retorted, feeling a surge of anger.

"That's not true." Setsu said plainly. "We cannot make exceptions just because we will be in power. Hypocrites don't make good leaders. While she has magic somewhere in her blood, you're playing a dangerous lottery being involved with her. You're young. You will find someone better suited. If you care about her, please let her go."

All Takumi heard now was his blood pounding in his ears. He knew what Setsu was saying. But life was never that black and white, why would he just surrender like this?

"I don't want to talk about this." Takumi said shortly, his knuckles whitening from his grip on the door. "I'll see you at breakfast."

Takumi slid the door closed harder than he intended. What a gods' damned load of hypocrisy. Setsu was sexually attracted to anyone that could consent, and yet he was the irresponsible one for having a single partner? If someone had told him that Setsu had a dozen children across the world, Takumi would barely have batted an eye. No surprise at all. At least he himself only had to be careful with one person, and he was not leaving them the next day. Setsu clearly had not stayed around to find out if any of his partners had fallen pregnant.

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