Chapter 25: The Burning

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Akapashtin Mountains, Akali

When Rubi awoke, she was immediately startled by the smell of smoke. Not the usual campfire haze, something else. An all encompassing stench of burning.

"Mimi, Mimi," she said in a harsh whisper. "Mimi, do you smell that?"

Mimi's head twitched. Her faded hair was hanging over her face as she lay on her side in the tent, tucked in up to her chin. Whatever was happening had not woken her up, which already seemed unusual. Mimi was usually so perceptive.

Rubi rubbed her shoulder, gently trying to rouse her.

"Captain?" she said wearily. "Is something-"

She stopped, suddenly noticing that something in the air was wrong. Mimi threw off her blanket and bolted out of the tent in her socks and underclothes.

Rubi quickly shoved her boots on and followed after her but to her surprise, the campsite was completely unchanged from the night before. The log left in the pit for overnight warmth was entirely extinguished and there was no sign that anything had accidentally caught fire.

"What's going on?" Kagemaru asked, bleary eyed.

"Can you smell that?" Rubi asked.

"The firepit?"

"No, it's not that. It's clearly been out for hours."

Kagemaru brushed his hand over the blackened log, confirming it was cold. He was quiet but clearly alarmed.

Rubi woke everyone from their tents and together they all started to check the surrounding area. The mules were still where they had left them, however they were wide eyed and unsettled.

Rubi petted Juda's neck and spoke to him gently. He nuzzled her, exhaling thick mist from his nostrils. His eyes darted back and forth, looking for the threat.

Sama was glued to Kai's leg, anxious and confused.

"What's happening?" she asked her protector.

He shushed her soothingly, reassuring her that they would figure this out and everything would be fine.

"I'll go down the mountain a little," Kagemaru said, pulling on his coat. "To check to see if there's been a fire in the night."

"Alright," Rubi agreed. "Kai, Sama, you can check that direction, Mimi, you check the other. I'll venture further up the path. Take'Ichi, you stay here to hold down the fort. If you see anyone or anything strange, you run after one of us immediately. Meet back here in ten minutes or so."

Leaving Take'Ichi behind at the camp was a calculated decision. An uneasy feeling told Rubi that he was safest at the camp. He would probably thank her later. Take'Ichi meant well, but the sprite was not exactly known for bravely venturing into the unknown alone. While he was getting braver, this was a lot to ask.

Small steps.

However, if this was a trap and they were about to be robbed by locals lurking around a corner, he could deter their presence with his own until the rest of the crew got back. Or he could just get out of there as fast as his legs could carry him.

Rubi wandered a little further than she should have. She skirted around the edge of the mountain using an outcropping path, following her nose. The smell certainly did seem to be getting stronger as she ascended.

All around her was nothing but frosted rock, small patches of white flowers growing from the tiniest crack in the stones, and rough, yellowish lichens. Even the birds had left the area.

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