Chapter 1

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⚠Warning: This is dark. This story is based around rape. Please turn away if have trouble reading anything like this. Read at your own risk.⚠

General POV

"...and now I have a child that I hate but love at the same time. I hate that every time I look at her, I'm reminded of her... real mother... and... what she did to me. And I love her because she is my child," Spencer told his therapist.

She was one of the better therapist that actually helped him though his problems.

She took notes about questions to ask. She never interupted. She listened and waited till he was done explaining before she started talking.

"So..., this unsub held you for a month and a half and ... repeatedly used you for her own gratification?" The therapist clarified through her question.

Spencer nodded his head.

" When you go back to work, how do you feel about being a new father and having to balance work with a newborn?"

"I love Luna. Don't get me wrong. She is a sweet little girl, but I can't move past how she was created. I know I was given the all clear to go back to work, but... Luna is at home and I have no one. I didn't explain what happened with Jess and that ended.... I get support from my team, but... I need help with Luna daily."

"Do you not think that you can take care of her by yourself?"

"If I'm being honest,... no, I don't.  JJ has two boys that I've watched, but they weren't my kids. She is a perfect mother and... I can't be like her. She has a loving husband and... I don't know what I'm doing half the time," Spencer admitted.

"No one is born knowing how to take care of a child. It is learned. Sure, some may say a woman is all-knowing when it comes to a child, but even they have to learn at some point. Can you tell me what happend with Jess?"

Spencer waa silent for a moment. His 3 year relationship went down the drain the minute Luna showed up. He hates her for that, but can't hate her becuase she is innocent in it all.

Spencer ran a hand through his hair and breathed a deep breath.

"Jess... she was perfect. She was beautiful and honestly the best thing that happened to me in years. She was my world, until... she wasn't," Spencer's voice cracked as he remembered the fight they had about Luna.

Jess accused him of cheating on her and using her. He didn't blame her for thinking that when he didn't even tell her what happened with the unsub. He felt wrong about it and just wanted to forget "it" ever happened.

"What happen exactly? How did it go from perfect to now?"

"Luna," was Spencer's one worded answer.

The therapist didn't say anything as she waited for Spencer to continue. He was having a hard time controlling his stormy emotions and talking about what he is feeling wasn'this strongest suit.

"When I was contacted about Luna,... Jess answered my phone. The hospital that she was born at called and said that the mother of this child was claiming that I was the father. Jess hung up and asked me about it... I guess she thought I was lying. I kept saying I didn't know anything about it. I never told her about what happened," Spencer stopped talking to keep his emotions in check.

"I never told her about what happened 11 months ago... I just wanted to forget and move on. I wanted evergthing to go back to how it was before and then Luna shows up."

"Are you blaming yourself or Luna? It sounds like you are putting blame where it isn't supposed to be. This unsub did this to you. Yes, you didn't tell Jess but have you tried explaining the situation? Maybe you both can work through this together."

Spencer shook his head. "I've tried talking to her. She doesn't want to talk to me. She hasn't answered my messages I leave her. I have trouble talking about what happened that I'm pretty sure I won't be able to tell her that I wasn't strong enough to fight the unsub off. I feel stupid and weak. I feel stupid for letting this come between me and Jess. I feel stupid for not telling her. She deserves the best and I hid this from her. I feel weak because I was r-r-raped," Spencer finally said what he felt. All the pent up emotions he held were coming out.

"You will get through this. We are out of time about 30 minutes ago. We made a lot of progress. I want you to try to talk to Jess again. Maybe have your team members try to explain what happened to her. Try working on how you see Luna. She is your child. She is innocent in all this. I will see you in two weeks. Take care, Spencer," the therapist told Spencer.

Spencee left the office buidling and instantly got a call from Garcia. She was watching Luna for him as he met with his theraptist. She was just telling him that Luna was asleep and that the team needed her on a case.

Spencer pulled up the hood to his jacket and walked to the bus. He had to go home to his baby girl and be a father. He didn't have time to fell sorry for himself.

Luna is innocent in all this.

She is a baby that didn't have a choice.

Luna didn't chose who her real mother is.

Luna should have been Jess's baby. Our baby. Not some unsub.

Luna is innocent.

Spencer kept repeating these words over and over in his mind as he rode home. He had to think about the good of Luna rather than how bad her real mother is.

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