Chapter 3

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General POV

The case proceded like it normally did. Spencer hasn't been working with them for almost 3 months because of Luna. He does do consults JJ gives Garcia to bring to him.

Like clockwork, Garcia would pick up the stack and give him more. He's been downgraded from a field agent to almost a consultant. The only reason he hasn't is because his reasoning. This happened while at work and they can't punish him for something he has no control over. Hotch and Derek both fought for that.

After the team briefed in the conference room, Garcia had time to try to locate Jess. It wasn't going to be that hard becuase Garcia still talks to her. Anything but Spencer.

Garcia found her number and sent her a text.

If it is possible, can u come over today? To FBI office? 🤔😜🖤

Garcia set her phone down and waited. She knew Jess was working right now and wouldn't be able to respond for another 10 minutes. That just meant 10 minutes of looking for connections and running down possible leads the team gives.

No more than 10 minutes later, Jess texts back.

Why PG? 🤔 I'm at work rn... what's so urgent you wanna talk about?

Garcia didn't want to make her worry or anything but she had to know what happened and if there was any way to fix it.

We need to chat about Spencer. I'm trying to understand how to help him. 😯

I know this is a sore subject but plz. He needs it. 😔

Garcia sent those two messages and set the phone down again. While the algorithms are running, she had time to think more.

Garcia really hopes the Jess wouldn't get mad or think that she was using her.

Not a second later, Jess replied.

Y? He deserves what he gets. 😡

Garcia read this and almost dropped her phone in suprise. Never once had she heard something so mean from Jess.

Garcia was wondering exactly what happened to make her say this.

Why do you say that? He's hurting and is taking care of a child he doesn't want. He didn't want her to happen and has to go to a therapist. 🤔🤔🤔

What happened between y'all?

Jess replied almost instantly.

He lied to me. He went and had a child with someone else.

He cheated on me.

He deserves to take care of that child. It's his fault that baby is here.

When Jess finished her rant, Garcia finally got it. Spencer kept quite about the rape. This is why he was way more traumatized than anything.

Jess, that's not what happened at all. If you come by, it will be easier to explain. He would never hurt you like that.

Please come by. I'll explain it all.

Jess didn't respond for a few minutes.

PG, as much as I love Spencer, I can't do this again. It hurt the first time. I'm sorry. 😔😔😔

Garcia went to type but he was raped but that was Spencer's business. She erased that and typed a new message.

Please think about it. Nothing has been okay for a long while and it's killing the team and Spencer.

Garcia didn't expected a reply from Jess but got one instead.

I'll think about it. Gtg 😔

Later PG 💙

Garcia responded in a short message and went back to the task at hand.

Now that she knew the full situation, she could start to fix that relationship. Just have to get Jess to talk to her in person so she doesn't have to explain over text.

Just as she was about to text Spencer, Morgan started calling her. Putting the thought on the back burner, Garcia answered the phone.

"Hey Mama. Got you on speaker, tell me something."

"Hello my future baby daddy, I haven't found anything connecting the six victims except they all graduated from the same school. That's about it. I'm running more searches as we speak across their social media."

"That's a start. Nice work, Garcia," Hotch said.

"And I thrive when recognized."

"Keep running those programs and get back to us when you have something."

"Always will, BossMan."

"Has there been any update on the Reid Situation?

"Maybe. He came back from his appointment and was hugging Luna when I left. He also said he made some progress..." Garcia trailed off and the team of profilers caught it.

"What else, Pen?" JJ asked.

"I-uh... I talked to Jess just now. I found out why they split."

There was silence over the air. Garcia was actually hating to be the one to reveal information to them.

"Why did they break up, Garcia?" Emily asked.

"Reid never told her.... he never told her about Tanner and what she did. Jess thought that Reid cheated."

There was an awkward silence that fell among the group. They didn't really know how to even suggest a way to help.

Hotch must have gotten impatient and said "thanks, Garcia. We will use this information for our elimination process. Continue working and sending information as you get it."

With that, the call was disconnected. Just as Garcia turned her attention to her screen, her phone buzzed.

Garcia raised it to eye level and saw the message from Jess.

I'm outside. I want to help.

Garcia responded and called down to security. This is a step in the right direction. Garcia just hoped this goes right.

For Spencer's sake.

And the team.

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