Chapter 7

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General POV

When Jess didn't call, Garcia decided that she would go over to Spencer's early the next morning. She hoped everything went well and she wouldn't have to pick up Spencer's broken heart again. 

While she was Jess's friend, she was also Spencer's friend first and she knows that if anything were to happen, she would make sure Spencer is okay over Jess first. She just hoped it didn't come down to that. 

Garcia was also going to hang with Morgan so he slept over last night and was riding shotgun as she drove to Spencer's apartment. She already told Morgan what happened so he was also there as backup if it was needed. He was also there to help Spencer through everything with his shared experience. 

Garcia parked her car and started walking to the front of the building. Morgan followed with his arm around her shoulders. A normal walking position they have grown accustom to after many years. 

They made it up the stairs and to Spencer's door. They knocked but didn't hear a response.

Garcia knocked again and this time she heard someone say something and the door unlock. 

The door opened to reveal a tired looking Jess. Her clothes were from the day before and not as firm as they did yesterday. She moved aside and let them into the apartment. 

The first thing they see is Luna laying on a blanket with a toy in her mouth. She looked happy and wide awake. 

Looking over at the couch, there was Spencer. His back was to the door and he was covered up with a blanket that Garcia knew was Jess's when she used to live there. Morgan nudged Garcia and gave her a look and she almost started laughing. 

Jess picked Luna up off the floor and grabbed her bottle. She started to feed the little girl while Spencer slept. He looked like he needed it. Garcia held her hands out to take the little girl and Jess handed the three month old over. 

Jess sat down by the couch and Garcia took the chair. Derek sat down on the floor as well. He hadn't really said anything because he didn't feel the need to. He also didn't like what happened between Jess and Spencer but understood that it wasn't his place to say anything cause it was their problems, not his. 

Garcia finished feeding Luna and burped her while lightly talking to Jess. Derek wasn't paying much attention to it as the tv was turned on to some show that caught his attention. 

Spencer ended up waking up halfway through the show and just sat there. He looked emotionally drained to say the least. He didn't even question why Derek and Garcia were there. Luna caught a glimpse of her dad awake and made it known that she wanted him. 

Spencer reached his hands out and Jess placed the baby in his arms. He sat back with her against his chest. Jess moved up off the floor to the other side of the couch. Derek went and got a chair from the kitchen to sit in. He was also going to raid his fridge. He was promised food and he was hungry. 

"Wait. Jess, Don't you have work today?" This was the first thing Spencer said since he woke up. 

"No. Called out. Got more important things to do than a few dollars." 

Garcia gave her the side eye and Jess blushed. "Sooooo.... Did ya'll figure it out?"

Spencer and Jess looked at each other. At this point, Derek was coming back into the living room with a hot pocket he found in the freezer and heated up. Spencer nodded and Jess did too. Not really as a 'yes'. It was more as a getting there nod. 

Derek sat down and Garcia looked at him. "What?" He asked. She motioned to the hot pocket.

"Really? We were going to go eat in a little bit."

Derek shrugged. "I was hungry. Didn't eat last night. It's already 10. I didn't want to wait for lunch." 

Spencer, Jess, and Garcia laughed at his explanation. "We should all go out to eat. Get some food in Spencer. Too skinny," Garcia said. 

Derek agreed to what she said. Even though he wanted to hang with her all by himself, it would be great to hang with Spencer again. Spencer agreed and went to get cleaned up and dressed. Jess did too. She was sure she still had clothes here. 

Twenty minutes later, they both emerged fully dressed and fresh to see Garcia and Morgan playing with Luna on the floor. She was trying to crawl but can't move her legs in the crawling motion yet so Derek and Garcia were trying to get her to do it. 

Spencer and Jess both watched the two for a good while before they noticed them standing there. The couple/not really both stood up from the floor with the little girl. Jess already changed her and dressed her so it was pretty easy to just grab the bag and go. 

Strapped the baby into the carrier and walked down to Garcia's prized possession. Morgan sat in his normal spot while Jess, Luna, and Spencer sat in the back. Garcia drove a few miles down the road to a family friendly breakfast/lunch restaurant. Together, they went and enjoyed a good brunch together. 

Spencer was actually joking around and playing with the baby. Jess being there and helping out with her really is helping Spencer. He is starting to act more like himself than he had in the past three months. 

Things were looking up...... or so they hoped. 

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