Chapter 6

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AN: When shit goes down the drain, what better inspiration than that to get more things done. Also, my password was out of date so I couldn't log in until I changed it, but I didn't know my recovery email.... Long story short, it took a while to log in. 

General POV

"Hey," Jess said. 

The shock written on the father's face was undeniable. He looked like he saw a ghost. He didn't blink for a good minute. It was almost like he was scared to blink. He didn't move. He didn't want to face the reality of it all being an illusion. 

The sound of a baby crying broke the stare between the adults. Spencer shifted the baby around to face Jess. Jess got a good look of the little girl. 

She was the spitting image of Spencer. She had those little curls that he always complained about after getting out of the shower. She had those intelligent eyes, although they were blue and not brown. Her hair was brown with streaks of blonde that Spencer didn't have. 

Although Jess didn't know what the real mother looked like, Jess only saw Spencer in that little girl. 

"H-hey. Hi. I... Ummm... What-What are you doing here?" Spencer stumbled through his question. 

Jess looked down to the ground and then back up to him. "I got your messages. I wanted to come by and....." Jess trailed off because there were so many things she wanted to say and do but couldn't. She didn't deserve to come back after acting the way she did. 

Spencer caught on to her trailing off and stepped aside. "Come in."

Jess walked through the doors feeling worse than she thought she would. She remembered all those movie nights and cuddle sessions on the couch that now has baby things on it. She remembered the days Spencer would come home after a few days working in another state and would set his things down by the door and, depending on the time, hug her in the kitchen or cover her up with a blanket on the couch. Either way, she missed those days. When it was simple. Where she was madly in love with the doctor and nothing happened to him. 

The little girl was up on Spencer's shoulder as he was rubbing her back while she sucked on the pacifier. Her eyes were closed, almost asleep. Spencer shifted the child when he was over her play pen and laid her in it. He waited a second before moving away to make sure she was asleep. 

Spencer moved a few things off the couch and motioned for Jess to sit. Jess followed his movements. Spencer grabbed the emptied bottles and placed them in the sink. He was trying to keep himself together and failing at the same time. Its one thing to text Jess about everything he was feeling and its another when she's sitting right in front of him. 

Spencer came back and sat down at the end of the couch and faced her. The tension in the air was suffocating. Each one wanting to say something but were both scared to say their thoughts out loud. 

Jess wanted to say what she wanted to but didn't know how to start. It would be real shitty if she just said, "I talked to Penelope and read your messages. " It would be a bad move on her part and possibly get Spencer mad at Penelope. Jess just swallowed her pride and chose to apologize.

"Look, Spence. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for how things turned out. I should have trusted you. I shouldn't have acted the way I did when I found out. I shouldn't have left you alone to deal with everything."

Spencer swallowed thickly before he looked her in the eye. 

"I should have told you. I should have told you from the beginning and I didn't. I didn't want you thinking differently of me. I just wanted to move on and forget it all happened. I was going to tell you but Luna happened. I wanted to act like nothing happened but I couldn't. I was fine but seeing Luna for the first time, I realized just how badly I messed up. I saw Tanner in that child and I hated her for the longest time. She was here and you weren't. She was here and it reminded me everyday that I was weak.... It hurt everyday. Every smile, every little thing that happened, I wanted you to be here.... " 

Spencer mumbled something else that Jess couldn't make out. His words were already quite but powerful. She just couldn't hear the last piece he said. 

"What was that last bit?" Jess asked.

Spencer was hunched over with his elbows resting on his legs. He glanced at her from the side and said "You should have been Luna's real mother."

This stopped Jess right there. She felt the same way but couldn't say it. That would be rude. All she could do is be there right now and help Spencer any way he could. 

She grabbed Spencer by his hands and turned him to face her. She leaned in and started talking with intense softness. 

"It'll be okay. I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere. Not anymore. I made a mistake and I plan on making it up to you every day. You and Luna," Jess promised. 

Spencer really looked at her this time. He could see how much she cares and how much she still loves him. Spencer knows that he messed up, but he had to push those aside to take care of his daughter. Spencer decided that right there, the moment was right. 

He leaned over and closed the gap between the two and kissed her. All the last time they had was represented in one movement. His lips connected to hers and Jess responded immediately. She missed him and wanted Spencer to know that she still loves him. 

When they pulled apart, Spencer kept his eyes closed and turned his head away slightly to catch his breath but kept his head resting against Jess's. Jess watched him take those deep breathes and she saw a glimmer slide down the side of his face. She watched one more slide down at a faster speed before she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a cuddle. 

Spencer has been hiding behind walls that were stacked with too many cracks to still be standing. Jess being there tore down every wall he built and the emotions flooded out in a violent river. And Spencer cried. Jess stayed and helped him through the pain that he was feeling. 

Screw work tomorrow. She had more important things to take care of.

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