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Jimin cursed, the girl tilted her head in confusion "Whatisashit?" she thought, but none of that is important because she needs to find her husband Jungkook. She then proceeded to walk away from Jimin, but then Jimin blocked her, she gave him a look and he started to nervously sweat, he didn't know what to do, he had lost Jisoo and and figured that Jungkook had took the wrong person as well, "Justhavetokeepaneyeonthisgirl," he thought as he gulped
"Mister? Doyouhaveanythingtosay?"
Chaehyun asked with an irritated tone to go with her look, Jimin held her arm and pulled her to Namjoon-knows-where, she was fighting back until Jimin said "Iknowwhereyourhusbandis, heorderedmetocomegetyoubecausehehasa surprise, don'ttellhimItoldyouthat, sinceheforbidmetosaythattoyou," as she heard those words, she just let Jimin take her, excited of what's to come. Jimin took her outside then behind the mall, where no one was around, she expected it because it was a surprise after all, but what surprised her wasn't Jungkook at all, she was surprised to Jimin's actions, he had put a cloth on her face, covering her nose and mouth, she felt dizzy and everything went blank
Jisoo was now being dragged to the vehicle by Jungkook, they got in and everything went silent, the car took off and started to drive to an unfamiliar road. A few minutes later, Jungkook broke the silence between them, "Areyouokaynow? Ordoyoustillfeeldizzy? Tellmewhenyouneedtopukeagain," Jungkook stated, acting as if he's concerned, Jisoo didn't know what he meant by that so she just nodded and asked, "Jungkook, wherearewegoing?" As she looked outside the window, "We'regoingtotheMedicalCenter," Jungkook said as he leaned in to grab her hand, Jisoo was still confuse, she wasn't sick, but she figured maybe Chaehyun was, so she just stayed silent
When they arrived Jungkook led Jisoo to the entrance, it wasn't her first time being at a Medical Center, but this specific one, she hasn't seen it before. "ThisistheJeon's Private MedicalCenter," Jungkook explained, they then started heading to the examination office, Jisoo tugged on Jungkook's shirt to get his attention,"Why?" She asked, he just smiled and rubbed Jisoo's belly, surprised by his action, she blushed and tried to push his hands, he just giggles. "Afterthewedding, whenwedid 'it'Ifiguredyouweregoingtobepregnant, andafterallthepukingIfiguredyouwerealready, sotoconfirmitwe'regoingtohaveyouexamined" Jungkook smiled at her, but as he turned his head, the smile turned into a devilish grin, "ThenIcanfinallykillyouafterthis" Jisoo was beyond shocked, and didn't know what to do, they did it? And she wasn't pregnant, so she wasn't prepared of what's gonna happen if he finds out there's nothing in her belly
They went inside and started doing the test. Jisoo's result turned out to be negative, which she had expected, but Jungkook was shocked that she wasn't pregnant, setting aside that he has the wrong person all along. "How? IguesstonightIhavetodoitallagain" Jungkook irritatedly thought. They went home and by the time they had arrived the sun was already setting. They both went inside their house and Jisoo just sat on the couch, Jungkook went to the kitchen and took a glass of water and poured a mysterious substance in it. He followed Jisoo to the couch and offered her a glass of water, "Ifiguredyouareverytired, here, haveacupofwater," Jisoo, being the innocent person she is, took the water and drank it, after a few minutes, she felt dizzy and thought she had to puke, but when she stood up, she collapsed onto Jungkook's arms, she carried her all the way to their bedroom and threw her to the bed, he took off his clothes (top clothing) and went on top of her. "Letthefunbegin," he whispered with a grin then attacked Jisoo with a kiss